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研究生(外文):Te-Chuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study On the Improvement of Integrated Circuit Yield by Modifying the Ion Etching Condition of Contact Window
指導教授(外文):Han-Wen Liu
口試委員(外文):Fang-Hsing WangSan-Lin Young
外文關鍵詞:Ion EtchingPre-cleanSputter Etch
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This thesis is focused on the matching of plasma power and bias power in the ion etching process for the contact and via holes prior to depositing the metal film in the semiconductor IC process. Due to the ion etching process, the accumulated charges would cause the generation of leakage current, which would further result in the yield loss of wafer.
In addition to the charge accumulation issue, the native oxide is bombarded by ion etching, and then the bombarded native oxide would fall into the bottom of the contact or via holes, resulting in a re-deposition phenomenon. Owing to this unwanted issue, the step coverage of the subsequent titanium and titanium nitride deposition would become worse, resulting in the phenomenon of tungsten puncture in the metallization process of tungsten, which would be detected by the following electrical test or yield test.
In order to improve the yield loss caused by the leakage current and tungsten puncture phenomenon, the matching between plasma power and bias power and the reduction of ion etching amount are adopted to minimize the cumulative charge and tungsten puncture.
Experimental data shows that the adjustment of plasma power and bias power matching and the reduction of ion etching amount can achieve the purpose of reducing the leakage current to improve the yield, especially in the contact holes between the device’s electrodes and the interconnection line. However, the via holes between the interconnection lines only show little improvement.
誌謝辭........................ i
摘要......................... ii
總目錄........................ v
表目錄....... .................vii
圖目錄....... .................viii
第一章 緒論..................... 1
1.1 前言..................... 1
1.2 研究動機與目的................ 4
第二章 接觸窗孔的製程介紹.............. 5
2.1 接觸窗孔的形成............. .. 5
2.2 接觸窗孔阻障層的製程介紹........ .. 9
2.3 離子蝕刻的機制及參數介紹........ .. 13
2.3.1 離子蝕刻的沿革......... ... 15
2.3.2 離子蝕刻的參數介紹........ .. 16
2.3.3 製程參數對離子蝕刻的影響..... .. 17
2.3.4 蝕刻時間對均勻性的影響.... .... 18
2.3.5 脫氧溫度對離子蝕刻的影響..... .. 20
2.3.6 電漿電源對直流偏壓的影響.. ..... 22
2.3.7 電漿與偏壓電源的匹配效應. ...... 23
2.3.8 直流偏壓的介紹及效應... ...... 26
第三章 接觸窗孔離子蝕刻的實驗參數規劃........ 27
3.1 金屬與元件電極間的接觸窗孔. ........ 27
3.2 金屬層間的接觸窗孔.......... ... 32
第四章 實驗結果與討論................ 34
4.1 金屬與元件電極間接觸窗孔...... .... 34
4.1.1 直流偏壓反應值分析...... .... 34
4.1.2 電性與良率測試分析...... .... 37
4.2 金屬層間接觸窗孔..... ......... 46
4.2.1 直流偏壓反應值分析...... .... 46
4.2.2 電性與良率測試分析..... ..... 49
第五章 結論及未來展望................ 52
參考文獻....................... 53
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