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研究生(外文):Wei-Hung Jao
論文名稱:工業 4.0 趨勢之下客製化訂單工廠關鍵成功因素之研究
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Key Success Factors of Customized Order factory under the Trend of Industrial 4.0
中文關鍵詞:工業 4.0智慧製造專家訪談法關鍵成功因素數位羅盤
外文關鍵詞:Industry 4.0Smart ManufacturingExpert InterviewKey Success FactorsDigital Compass
  • 被引用被引用:10
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本研究之目的在於探討:受到工業 4.0 趨勢影響的國際客戶,會對工具機設備的需求有何改變,而台灣客製化訂單工具機的製造商,應該要加強哪些關鍵成 功因素,始能滿足客戶期待。

本研究以文獻回顧法與專家訪談法做為主要的研究方法,在樣本選擇的設計 上,讓五位專家分別代表影響產業競爭的五種力量,讓研究成果更加貼近事實狀 態。本研究以 DT 公司在越南的「整廠輸出」為研究起點,透過網路資料的收集, 先是使用流程設計的方法拆解其工業 4.0 的內涵,並以 McKinsey Digital 開發 的數位化羅盤(Digital Compass)加以盤點其關鍵因素,接著以 McKinsey-VDMA─ARRHUS 的策略矩陣與專家訪談結果做比對分析。

本研究結果發現:在主流趨勢下行動的國際客戶,會重視人工智慧模組化、 數位績效系統、引進統計的供應鏈管理系統等三個關鍵因素;在新興趨勢下行動 的國際客戶,會重視營運平台、人工智慧模組化、知識工作的自動化、以資料導 向為基礎的產品與設計。

最後,建議客製化工具機產業應在短期之內開始挑戰新興市場,在中期之內 發展出自有規格的網宇實體系統或前瞻式的營運平台,以備長期之下,能做為工 業 4.0 的典範企業。

關鍵字詞:工業 4.0、智慧製造、專家訪談法、關鍵成功因素、數位羅盤
The aim of this study is to explore whether international customers affected by the industry trend of 4.0 will change the demand for tooling equipment, and what key success factors should be reinforced by manufacturers of customized OEM machines in Taiwan Customers expect.

In this paper, the literature review method and the expert interview method are the main research methods. In the design of the sample selection, the five experts represent the five forces that affect the industry competition, so that the research results are closer to the factual state. In this study, DT company in Vietnam, "the whole plant output" as the starting point, through the collection of network data, first use the process of design methods to dismantle the connotation of its industry 4.0, and McKinsey Digital developed Digital Compass to inventory the key factors, followed by McKinsey-VDMA-ARRHUS strategy matrix and expert interviews to do the results of the analysis.

The results of this study show that international customers in the mainstream trend will pay attention to the three key factors such as artificial intelligence modularization, digital performance system and the introduction of statistical supply chain management system. In the emerging trend, international customers will pay attention to Operating platform, artificial intelligence modularization, knowledge of the work of automation, data-oriented products and design.

Finally, the proposed customization of the machine tool industry should begin to challenge emerging markets within a short period of time, in the medium term to develop a standard network of physical entities or forward-looking operating platform for long-term, can be used as industrial 4.0 Of the model business.

Key words: Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Expert Interview, Key Success Factors, Digital Compass
第一章 研究動機與目的...................1
第一節 研究動機........................1
第二節 研究目的........................2
第三節 研究步驟與流程.................2
第四節 本文結構與章節安排..................3
第二章 文獻回顧..........4
第一節 工業 4.0 起源與最新發展現況.................4
第二節 流程設計的五個構面..............18
第三節 物聯網的協同合作...............24
第四節 工業 4.0 的關鍵因素.................28
第五節 工業 4.0 的國際趨勢..............36
第三章 研究方法...................45
第一節 專家訪談法..................45
第二節 研究架構與步驟..................47
第四章 客製化工具機製造廠的現場...........51
第一節 DT 公司....................51
第二節 盤點 DT 公司的價值驅動因素..........64
第五章 專家訪談與關鍵因素分析..............71
第一節 專家訪談的樞紐分析............................71
第二節 關鍵因素分析................78
第六章 結論與建議......................81
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