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研究生(外文):Cheng-Hsien Chiu
論文名稱:運用平衡計分卡建構績效評估系統-以H 彈簧公司為例
論文名稱(外文):Using Balanced Scorecard to Construct A Performance Assessment System-The Case Study of H Spring Corporation
外文關鍵詞:Balanced ScorecardSWOTBusiness strategySpring IndustryKey Performance Indicator
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平衡計分卡源於Kaplan 及Norton (1992)兩位哈佛商學院的學者所從事的“未來組織績效衡量方法”,是一種落實執行策略的架構,從企業的目標及策略延伸而出,是一套完整的績效評估工具。做為公司整體共同目標,BSC組成財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面及學習與成長四個構面的衡量系統,兼顧企業永續經營的目標。
The balanced scorecard (BSC),proposed by two Harvard Business School professors Kaplan and Norton (1992), is a strategic execution framework for performance evaluation of organization. The BSC extends from business strategies and targets to detail business functions, which is a complete performance management tool.
The balanced scorecard covers 4 perspective approaches to identify what measures to use to track the implementation of strategy. The four perspectives proposed are Financial, Customer, Internal business processes, Learning and growth, which used to focus on the long-term strategic agenda of the organization concerned.
The purposes of this research is to construct balanced scorecard indicators for the spring industry. Seeking to help companies to enhance competitiveness of the spring industry by using the framework construed by this thesis.
The paper takes the case study of H Spring Corporation for example, which is a corporation based in Kunshan City and founded by a Taiwan company. In the beginning of this paper, SWOT analysis was used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the H Spring Corporation. By analyzing external business environment, clarifying business competitiveness and constructing 4 -perspective indicators, this paper lead business owner and high-level managers to evaluate performances, arrange actions from the 4 perspectives mentioned above. At the same time, these indicators tightly attach to performance measures. This structure indeed provide business intelligence to the spring industry and employees worked in the corporation to follow.
The research refer to High-level managers’ ideas and experiences to construct indicators and actions to provide references for the company’s expertise in R&D, manufacturing and marketing. Helping related companies to design their own specific indicators and strategies.
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 平衡計分卡 5
第二節 SWOT分析 13
第三節 關鍵績效指標 15
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 採用個案研究法之原因 17
第二節 研究步驟 17
第四章 個案研究 18
第一節 彈簧產業分析 18
第二節 H公司背景介紹 19
第三節 個案公司SWOT 分析 24
第四節 H昆山公司平衡計分卡衡量指標 26
第五節 H昆山公司平衡計分卡經營策略 27
第六節 H昆山公司平衡計分卡應用 30
第五章 結論與建議 32
第一節 研究結果與結論 32
第二節 研究建議 34
參考文獻 35

表4-1 H昆山公司基本資料 20
表4-2 歷史營收 23
表4-3 H昆山公司衡量指標 26
表4-4 平衡計分卡績效指標與行動方案 27
表5-1 H昆山公司衡量指標 32
表5-2 彈簧產業的具體行動方案 33

圖1-1 研究流程 3
圖2-1 衡量策略的財務主題 6
圖2-2 顧客構面-核心量度 7
圖2-3 顧客價值主張 8
圖2-4 企業內部流程構面-通則性價值鏈模式 9
圖2-5 學習與成長的衡量與架構 10
圖4-1 H公司銷售據點 20
圖4-2 彈簧類型1 21
圖4-3 彈簧類型2 21
圖4-4 彈簧類型3 22
圖4-5 H昆山公司產業銷售比例 22



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