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研究生(外文):Ying-Tsan Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Expansion and the Service of the Dealer - The Case of Huaya Dongying Plastics Corporation
指導教授(外文):Yu-Ching Chiao
口試委員(外文):Min-Ping KangChing-Tsung Jen
外文關鍵詞:plastic industrycore competencemanagement opportunity gridself-evaluation matrixproject management strategy
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The purpose of this research is to make use of the cognitive level of the importance and satisfaction of the various factors in the project management core competences to construct the management opportunity grid of the Dongying Huaya Plastic Company and to explore the project management strategy of plastic pipe production and management industry. This research refers to the domestic and foreign relevant research literature through the competent and related personnel to establish a focus group for discussion, summed up the four core competence, including “dealer management”, “business assistance”, “construction training and sales promotion” and “order delivery management”. At the same time, the two dimensions of the degree of importance and the degree of satisfaction are used to measure this variable dimension to develop two kinds of questionnaires with 30 questions.
This research through the development and service of the past dealers of the company as the main research scope, treats the dealers and the company’s internal employee as the research object. Perceiving importance and satisfaction by the company’s customers and their internal employee, it uses the statistical analysis of data to construct the management opportunity grid. Then find out the distribution of the core competence and explore the project management resources allocation strategy. This research use the employee self-evaluation matrix to analyze the core competence of the company and to meet the customer service satisfaction for the company develop project management strategy in the future.
Finally, 50 questionnaires are sent out for internal employee of the company and are recovered 50 copies, among them 50 are valid. 66 questionnaires are sent out for relational dealers, and are recovered 66 copies, among them 61 are valid. 9 questionnaires are sent out for trading dealers and are recovered 9 copies, among them 9 are valid. Through statistical analysis, management opportunities grid and self-evaluation matrix, we find that the factors in the core competence fall into the quadrant and region. Among them, for the relational dealers, “order delivery management” is the most important core competence dimension, “dealer management” is the highest satisfaction core competence dimension. For the trading dealers, “construction training and sales promotion” is the most important core competence dimension, “order delivery management” is the highest satisfaction core competence dimension. Therefore, this research takes the research conclusion as reference of the future management strategy and resource allocation.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 4
第四節 論文章節安排 4
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 5
第一節 核心能力 5
第二節 顧客價值及經銷商管理與服務 9
第三節 管理機會方格 9
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 個案公司簡介 13
第二節 價值構面與問卷設計 13
第三節 塑膠管材產業各項價值構面 15
第四節 統計分析方法及資料分析流程 19
第四章 統計結果與實證分析 21
第一節 敘述性統計與樣本特性 21
第二節 華亞公司之顧客價值 23
第三節 華亞公司顧客管理機會方格 29
第四節 華亞公司重要與表現同步比較分析矩陣 38
第五節 討論 47
第五章 結論與建議 50
第一節 研究結論 50
第二節 理論貢獻與實務意義 56
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 59
參考書目 62
附錄 63

表2-1 華亞公司企業資源分析 7
表2-2 華亞公司核心能力分析 7
表3-1 關係型經銷商價值構面與服務項目 15
表3-2 交易型經銷商價值構面與服務項目 17
表4-1 敘述性統計分析總表 22
表4-2 關係型經銷商對服務項目評分平均數 23
表4-3 關係型經銷商核心構面平均 25
表4-4 交易型經銷商對服務項目評分平均數 26
表4-5 交易型經銷商核心構面平均 28
表4-6 重要與表現同步比較分析矩陣 38
表4-7 自評矩陣—名符其實 41
表4-8 自評矩陣—自得意滿 42
表4-9 自評矩陣—意外收穫 43
表4-10 自評矩陣—刻不容緩 44
表4-11 自評矩陣—錦上添花 44
表4-12 自評矩陣—多此一舉 45
表4-13 自評矩陣—進退兩難 46
表4-14 自評矩陣—無關緊要 47
表5-1 經銷商第一象限及第四象限之構面與題項 51

圖2-1 管理機會方格 10
圖2-2 重要-表現同步比較分析矩陣 11
圖4-1 關係型經銷商管理機會方格 30
圖4-2 交易型經銷商管理機會方格 34
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二、 Journal Articles
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