Sarawak belonged to the Kingdom of Brunei. In 1841, the Brooke family became the ruler of Sarawak and the reign of White Raja was began. In order to develop Sarawak, Charles Brooke, the second generation of White Raja, supported Chinese for reclamation. Chinese education was also gradually developed because of the arrival of Chinese immigrants. After the World War II, Sarawak became British colony. The national education system which British implemented in Sarawak has affected the Chinese education and caused many local students could not attend school. In order to solve the problem of education in Sarawak, Chinese schools were set up, and Catholic High School in Sibu was also established. Catholic High School in Sibu is a large, well-known, and the only Catholic Chinese Independent High School in Malaysia. The Catholic High School, which has been established for more than 50 years, not only defends and pass down Chinese education but also provides a way out for students to go to school. This paper is mainly based on the case study of the Catholic High School in Sibu, and also discusses the particularity and status of the Catholic High School in Sibu from other Chinese Independent High School in Sarawak.