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研究生(外文):Chun-Yi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Prevalence of Diseases Recorded in Companion Dogs Attending Chain Animal Hospitals in Central Taiwan (2013-2015)
外文關鍵詞:Prevalence of Diseases RecordedChain Animal HospitalsCompanion Dogs
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本研究是利用台灣中部的全國動物醫院連鎖體系中的9家醫院的臨床病歷資料做資料庫,收集自2013-2015年的186,044犬隻臨床資料,包含就診日期、性別、年齡、品種、疾病診斷名,並區分成19個類別的疾病系統,並加以討論。其中三年內盛行率最高的疾病類別是皮膚疾病(公22.%, 母22%),其次是消化系統疾病(公15%, 母15.2%)及耳炎(公8.5%, 母7.9%)。 疾病趨勢,三個年度盛行率裡逐年增加:不明因素疾病、內分泌及營養代謝疾病、皮膚疾病、骨骼肌肉系統、泌尿生殖系統、消化系統(肝膽腸胃)、循環系統、絕育、腫瘤。逐年遞減: 中毒、先天畸形、耳炎、免疫/血液性疾病、呼吸系統、寄生蟲及感染性疾病。顯著性公大於母(p <0.05)的系統性疾病有: 牙科、耳炎、肌肉骨骼系統、免疫/血液、急診加護、消化系統(肝膽腸胃)、神經系統疾病、循環系統疾病。顯著性母大於公(p <0.05)的系統疾病有: 內分泌及營養代謝、先天畸形疾病、泌尿生殖系統及腫瘤。依年齡區別,隨著年齡增加而增加的: 不明原因性疾病、牙科疾病、泌尿道生殖系統、神經系統疾病、眼睛疾病、循環系統、腫瘤。隨著年齡增加而遞減的: 中毒、消化系統(肝膽腸胃)、寄生蟲及感染性疾病、絕育。所有年齡盛行率無顯著差異性的: 急診加護、先天性畸形。幼年及老年較為盛行: 內分泌及營養代謝、肌肉骨骼系統、呼吸系統。成年期較為盛行: 皮膚性疾病、耳炎、免疫/血液。本研究主旨在建立初步台灣中部地區伴侶寵物臨床疾病統計的一個數據參考,期待利用此研究未來能有更多的台灣相關疾病探討產生。
In this study, a three year (2013-2015) data bank including 186,044 dogs cases collected from nine hospitals of the National Animal Hospital Chain System was used to investigate the prevalence of canine diseases in Taiwan. Based on the date of treatment, gender, age, variety, and disease diagnosis, data was divided into 19 categories of disease systems. In these three years, the highest prevalence of canine diseases was dermatological disorders (22.01% for males, 22.02% for females), followed by digestive disorders (15.04% for males, 15.19% females) and otitis media (8.52% for males, 7.92% females). The prevalence of unknown factors disease, endocrine and nutrition metabolic disorders, dermatological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, genitourinary disorders, digestive, circulatory, sterilization and tumor disorders increased with years. In contrast, the prevalence of poisoning, congenital malformations, otitis, immune / blood diseases, respiratory, parasites and infectious disorders decreased with years. In terms of gender-based analysis, male has significantly higher tendency suffering from dental, otitis, musculoskeletal, immune /blood, emergency care, digestive, neurological, circulatory disorders (male>female, p <0.05). On the other hand, female has significantly higher tendency suffering from endocrine, nutrient metabolism, congenital malformations, genitourinary and tumor disorders (female>male, p <0.05). Based on the age of the animal, the prevalence of unexplained disease, dental, genitourinary, neurological, eye, circulatory system, tumor disorders increased with age. The prevalence of poisoning, digestive, parasites and infections, sterilization disorders decreased with age. Nonetheless, the prevalence of emergency care, congenital malformations disorders, is not age-dependent. Disorders in endocrine, nutritional metabolism, musculoskeletal, and respiratory systems were prevalent in juvenile and old dogs. However, dermatological diseases and otitis, immune / blood disorders were evaluated as common diseases in adult dogs.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目 次 iv
表次 vi
圖次 vii
第一章 緒言 1
第二章 文獻探討 2
第一節 全世界獸醫的犬健康數據追蹤資料庫 2
一、 保險資料庫的分析(Pet insurance databases) 2
二、 後送醫院的資料庫分析(Referral practice clinical records) 3
三、 第一線的臨床診察紀錄資料庫分析(Primary-care practice clinical records) 3
四、 獸醫癌症登記(Veterinary cancer registries) 4
五、 問卷調查收集(Questionnaire-based data collection) 4
六、 犬健康計畫 (Canine health schemes) 5
第二節 公母與疾病的相關性 5
第三節 年齡與疾病的相關性 7
第四節 品種與疾病的相關性 8
第三章 材料與方法 10
第一節 資料來源 10
第二節 資料管理 11
第三節 統計分析 12
第四章 實驗結果 16
第一節 年齡與公母總數相關性 16
第二節 各品種的總數排行與佔比 16
第三節 各診斷類別的總合及各個診斷類別在各年度的總和與盛行率 16
第四節 公母與診斷類別的相關性 17
第五節 各年齡與診斷類別的相關性 18
第六節 各年齡區間與診斷類別的相關性及其盛行率與趨勢 18
第七節 各診斷類別的前五大品種排行、個數及佔比 19
第八節 前五大品種診斷類別的盛行率排行 19
第五章 討論 20
圖表 36
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