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研究生(外文):Li-Min Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Impact Factors of Canine Corneal Diameter and Curvature in Different Breeds
指導教授(外文):Shiun-Long Lin
口試委員(外文):Jung-kai TsengJeng-Rung Chen
外文關鍵詞:corneal diametercorneal curvature
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本研究共收錄20隻雪納瑞犬、24隻博美犬與36隻混種犬。所有的犬隻皆接受完整的眼科學檢查,並以游標尺量測水平方向和垂直方向的角膜直徑,以及使用Bausch & Lomb角膜弧度儀量測水平方向和垂直方向的角膜弧度。所有的量測皆是由同一位受過專業訓練之獸醫進行。實驗結果如下,雪納瑞犬的平均角膜直徑為14.66±0.17 mm,平均角膜弧度為40.23±0.36 D;博美犬的平均角膜直徑為14.42±0.18 mm,平均角膜弧度為45.36±0.32 D;混種犬的平均角膜直徑為15.85±0.13 mm,平均角膜弧度為40.52±0.31 D。博美犬的角膜直徑與體長有統計學上的正相關。另外,混種犬的角膜弧度與年齡和體重有統計學上的負相關,且體重對於角膜弧度的相關性較年齡強。於此三種犬種,角膜直徑與角膜弧度皆有統計學上的顯著差異,但是雪納瑞犬和博美犬的角膜直徑無統計學上的顯著差異,且雪納瑞犬和混種犬的角膜弧度也無統計學上的顯著差異。
Spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects are superficial ulcers that fail to resolve through normal epithelial wound healing and are easy to recur. Bandage contact lens is safe and effective for treatment of canine spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects. Canine corneal diameter and curvature are different in different breeds, but the studies about that are few. We just follow the recommendations about the size of contact lens that manufacturers provided or use uniform size to different breeds when we use contact lens for treatment of canine corneal disease, but unfitting contact lens will cause discomfort and decrease retention time. Therefore, our purposes are measuring canine corneal diameter and curvature in different breeds to design new contact lens.
This study included 20 Miniature Schnauzers, 24 Pomeranians and 36 mixed breed dogs. All dogs went through routine ophthalmic examinations, corneal diameter measured by caliper and corneal curvature measured by Bausch & Lomb keratometer that included horizontal and vertical. All measurements were made by the single well-trained veterinarian. Mean corneal diameter and curvature of Miniature Schnauzers, Pomeranians and mixed breed dogs were 14.66±0.17 mm, 40.23±0.36 D; 14.42±0.18 mm, 45.36±0.32 D; 15.85±0.13 mm, 40.52±0.31 D, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between size and corneal diameter in Pomeranians (r2=0.32). Additionally, there were significant negative correlations between age, body weight and corneal curvature in mixed breed dogs (r2=0.42), and the correlation between body weight and corneal curvature was stronger. The corneal diameter and curvature reached statistically significant difference in these three breeds (P < 0.05), but corneal diameter didn’t reach statistically significant difference between Miniature Schnauzers and Pomeranians. The corneal curvature also didn’t reach statistically significant difference between Miniature Schnauzers and mixed breed dogs.
In conclusion, no same factors influenced the value of the corneal parameters, and the corneal diameter and curvature are different in these three breeds. Therefore, in order to design fitting contact lens for different breeds, it was necessary to measure corneal diameter and curvature for each breed.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iii
表目次 v
圖目次 vi
第一章 緒言 1
第二章 文獻探討 2
第一節 角膜之解剖構造、生理與病理 2
一、角膜的構造與生理 2
二、角膜癒合的機制 4
三、自發性慢性角膜上皮缺損 4
第二節 治療型隱形眼鏡 6
一、治療型隱形眼鏡的應用原理 6
二、鞏膜型隱形眼鏡 6
三、隱形眼鏡合適度評估 7
第三節 角膜厚度、直徑與弧度 8
一、角膜厚度 8
二、角膜直徑 8
三、角膜弧度 10
四、角膜弧度儀與測量原理 11
第三章 材料與方法 14
第一節 樣本來源 14
第二節 實驗方法 14
一、基本資料建立 14
二、眼科學檢查 14
三、角膜直徑量測 17
四、角膜弧度量測 17
第三節 統計分析 18
一、統計軟體 18
二、統計方法 18
第四章 實驗結果 20
第一節 基本統計資料結果 20
第二節 雪納瑞犬、博美犬、混種犬的角膜直徑和弧度之測量與統計分析 21
一、基本資料統計結果 21
二、角膜直徑之描述性統計學結果 22
三、角膜弧度之描述性統計學結果 24
四、角膜散光 26
第三節 雪納瑞犬、博美犬、混種犬的角膜直徑和弧度之相關性檢定 28
一、不分犬種的角膜直徑之迴歸分析 28
二、不分犬種的角膜弧度之迴歸分析 31
三、雪納瑞犬的角膜直徑之迴歸分析 33
四、雪納瑞犬的角膜弧度之迴歸分析 35
五、博美犬的角膜直徑之迴歸分析直徑 35
六、博美犬的角膜弧度之迴歸分析 41
七、混種犬的角膜直徑之迴歸分析 41
八、混種犬的角膜弧度之迴歸分析 47
第四節 角膜直徑與角膜弧度於不同犬種之比較 55
第五章 討論 59
第六章 結論 67
第七章 參考文獻 68
附錄一 病史、眼科學檢查、角膜直徑與角膜弧度測量記錄表 75
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