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研究生(外文):Jun-Yue Wong
論文名稱(外文):The Therapeutic Efficacy of Clindamycin-Doxycycline-Metronidazole with/without Diminazene on Canine Babesia gibsoni Infection
指導教授(外文):Kwong-Chung Tung
口試委員(外文):Jui-Te WuKun-Wei Chan
外文關鍵詞:canine babesiosisBabesia gibsoniclindamycindoxycyclinemetronidazolediminazene
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犬小焦蟲疾病(Babesia gibsoni)在臨床治療上仍面臨許多挑戰,在傳統及新的治療方法中似乎都沒有辦法完全根除,容易發現復發或是抗藥性的問題,而且治療方式無法利用單一藥物做到有效治療,往往都是複合式的雞尾酒療法才能達到治療效果。本實驗的研究目的為評估自然感染犬小焦蟲的犬隻分別使用clindamycin、doxycycline和metronidazole(簡稱CDM組)和diminazene加上CDM(簡稱DCDM)的治療效果比較。兩組分別為CDM組7隻,DCDM組9隻,由於DCDM組中有兩隻病犬進行輸血治療,故未列入血液學變化的統計分析,兩組在療程結束後,停藥兩周採血進行PCR檢測判定有無感染。CDM治癒率100%(7/7),DCDM為89%(8/9其中一隻死亡)。在血液學變化部分進行two-way ANOVA分析,結果為兩組之間並未發現對HCT、PLT的結果影響具有顯著差異(分別為p=0.09; p=0.44),但兩組之間對於HGB是影響具有顯著差異(p=0.016),但兩組別中HCT、HBG、PLT皆有顯著增加的趨勢,另外進行兩組的無母數分析發現第七天的HCT、HGB、PLT,兩組之間有顯著性差異(分別為p=0.013; p=0.019; p=0.037),表示DCDM組的HCT、HGB、PLT恢復狀況較CDM組治療後第七天有明顯回升。ALT,ALKP兩組分別有4/7、2/8在使用口服藥後出現上升的現象,而且兩組各有一隻犬隻的GGT上升超過正常值許多,但TBIL並無異常。最終結論是,兩組的治療結果沒有顯著性差異,而且效果良好,但是DCDM組於治療後第七天的恢復結果都比CDM組來的好,而治療過程中DCDM組發生一隻急性自體免疫性溶血而死亡,因為樣本數不夠多,無法推測是否與diminazene治療相關,因此CDM是犬小焦蟲症方便有效的治療選擇。
Canine babesiosis which is a protozoal, tickborne, hemolytic disease with worldwide distribution and global significance and specially caused by Babesia gibsoni is a big challenge and critical issue in the treatment until right now. It seems not to be complete eradicated by a traditional single drug or some new combination treatments such as azithromycin with atovaquone, and clindamycin, diminazene, with imidocarb, and enrofloxacin, doxycycline with metronidazole. After treatment, canine babesiosis is easily to relapse again or have drug-resistant problems which have been studied recently. The combination treatment protocol is more efficiency than the single drug administrated to canine babesiosis in most studies. It is the life-threaten and emergency disease which needs the appropriate treatment in dogs. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of a combination of clindamycin, doxycycline, and metronidazole (CDM) to that of diminazene and clindamycin-doxycycline-metronidazole (DCDM) for the treatment of natural B. gibsoni infections, 16 client-owned dogs were random collected in the study. Seven dogs were treated with CDM combination and 9 dogs were treated with DCDM. Seven of the 7 dogs in the CDM group and 8 of the 9 dogs in the DCDM one completely recovered, but one of the DCDM group was died in acute IMHA after received the diminazene injection. The statistical differences in the numeric variables (HCT, HGB, and PLT) between CDM and DCDM groups were noticed only at the 7th day (p=0.013; p=0.019; p=0.037, respectively) after assessed by Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test. The changes of the serum biochemisty after treatment were shown that the ALT, and ALKP levels were elevated higher than first day (4/7 and 2/8, respectively). There is one dog individual in each group with highly GGT after treatment, but the TBIL of all dogs were normal in the treatment period. The conclusion is that it is good efficacy and no significate difference in both groups but diminaneze is not available in many countries in order to CDM will be the choice of treatment for B. gibsoni. Although the CDM treatment protocol might elevate the serum liver enzyme levels, it is not appeared serious clinical signs with vomit or dropped appetite. After combine with ursodiol and silymarin treatment, the serum live enzyme levels return back to the normal range which may means CDM treatment should be used with caution in animal with liver dysfunction.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 次 iv
表 次 vii
圖 次 viii
第一章 緒言 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 壁蝨簡介 3
一、 壁蝨分類、分布與媒介性疾病關係 3
二、 壁蝨媒介性疾病致病機制 4
三、 壁蝨媒介性疾病傳播時間 6
第二節 焦蟲簡介 8
一、 焦蟲分類 8
二、 焦蟲生活史 9
三、 焦蟲特殊結構與侵入血球機制 11
四、 感染小焦蟲(B. gibsoni)的臨床症狀與合併感染 15
第三節 治療焦蟲藥物作用機制 17
第四節 Diminazene 20
一、 藥物介紹 20
二、 藥理機制及藥物作用 21
第五節 Clindamycin 21
一、 藥物介紹 21
二、 藥理機制及藥物作用 22
第六節 Doxycycline 23
一、 藥物介紹 23
二、 藥理機制及藥物作用 24
第七節 Metronidazole 25
一、 藥物介紹 25
二、 藥理機制及藥物作用 25
第三章 材料與方法 27
第一節 實驗動物 27
第二節 實驗方法 29
一、 藥物選擇 29
二、 給藥方式 29
三、 實驗方法 30
四、 統計分析 31
第四章 實驗結果 33
第一節 正式實驗 33
一、 CDM與DCDM組間犬隻體重及年齡比較 33
二、 CDM與DCDM組間治療後血容比(HCT)變化 36
三、 CDM與DCDM組間治療後血紅素濃度(HGB)變化 38
四、 CDM與DCDM組間治療後血小板濃度(PLT)變化 40
五、 CDM與DCDM組間治療後寄生蟲血症(parasitemia)變化 42
六、 CDM與DCDM組間治療後血液生化值變化 43
七、 CDM與DCDM組間治癒率及自體免疫性溶血性貧血發生率 48
第五章 討論 49
參考文獻 54
附錄一 60
附錄二 61
附錄三 62
附錄四 68
附錄五 74
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