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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ting Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Turbo Nonlinear Equalization for Millimeter-Wave Communications Systems
指導教授(外文):Fang-Biau Ueng
外文關鍵詞:5G millimeter-wave communicationsturbo nonlinear equalizationnonlinear power amplifierparticle filter
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在本篇論文中,針對未來即將使用的5G毫米波通訊系統(5G millimeter-wave communications),此系統應用於極高頻率的頻段,並且擁有大量的頻譜,其必然要使用的射頻(ratio frequency ,RF)功率放大器(power amplifier , PA),將會對訊號偵測時產生巨大的挑戰。與傳統所使用的方案相比,傳統是在發送端(transmitter-ends)做非線性(nonlinear)的處理,而本篇論文提出在接收端(receiver-ends)做非線性等化(nonlinear equalization),並且結合渦輪碼(turbo code),提升估測訊號的可靠度,用來估測被多路徑通道(multipath channel)和非線性失真所干擾的訊號。由於非線性和邊緣積分(marginal integration),其所涉及的後驗密度(posterior density)將難以分析,造成現存的線性等化都無法使用,故使用以蒙特卡羅序列重要性取樣(Monte-Carlo sequential importance sampling)為基礎的粒子濾波器(particle filter, PF),利用概率質量(probability-mass)來近似。並且使用泰勒展開(Taylor’s series expansion)做區域線性化(local-linearization),讓估測器趨近於現實的應用。如此一來,未知的傳送訊號將會被遞迴的偵測出來。模擬的結果也驗證了所提出的方法。不使用發射端高複雜度的預失真(pre-distortion),而在接收端改用渦輪非線性等化(turbo nonlinear equalization),讓毫米波通訊有了新的方向。
In the thesis, for the 5G millimeter-wave communications, which operating in extremely high frequency and have enormous bandwidth. It must use RF power amplifier which cause nonlinear distortion may pose great challenges to signal detections. Compare to classical schemes, which calibrate nonlinear distortions in transmitters, the thesis suggest a nonlinear equalization algorithm and combine turbo code to enhance reliability, with which the multipath channel and unknown symbols contaminated by nonlinear distortions and multipath interferences are estimated in receiver-ends. Attributed to the nonlinearity and marginal integration, the related posterior density is analytically hard and most existing linear equalization schemes may become invalid. To solve this problem, the Monte-Carlo sequential importance sampling based particle filtering is used, and the non-analytical distribution is approximated numerically by the evolving probability-mass. By applying the Taylor’s expansion, a local-linearization observation model is further constructed to facilitate the practical design of a sequential detector. Thus, the unknown symbols are detected recursively as new observations arrive. Simulation results validate the proposed joint detection scheme. By excluding transmitting pre-distortion of high complexity, the presented algorithm is specially designed for the receiver-end, which provides a promising framework to millimeter-wave communications.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 動機 1
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 研究背景 4
2.1 多輸入多輸出 (MIMO) 4
2.2 空間多樣(Spatial Diversity)與空間多工(Spatial Multiplexing) 5
2.3 渦輪碼(Turbo Codes) 6
2.3.1 卷積碼(Convolutional Code) 7
2.3.2 交織器(Interleaver) 8
第三章 毫米波系統描述 10
3.1 非線性功率放大器(Nonlinear Power Amplifier) 10
3.2 毫米波通訊系統通道模擬(Channel Modeling for mm-Wave Communications) 12
3.3 訊號模型(Signal Model) 13
第四章 貝氏推論和粒子濾波 17
4.1 貝氏推論(Bayesian Inference) 17
4.2 順序重要性抽樣(Sequential Importance Sampling) 19
4.3 應用注意事項 21
第五章 非線性等化和訊號偵測 23
5.1 觀測點的區域線性化(Local Linearization of Observations) 23
5.2 序列非線性等化(Sequential Nonlinear Equalization) 24
5.3 接收端之實現(Implementations of Receiver) 28
5.4 延伸到多輸入多輸出系統(Extend to MIMO) 30
第六章 模擬結果 33
第七章 結論 49
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