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研究生(外文):Wei-Chen Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Ukraine Crisis and the Security Strategies of European Neutral Countries
指導教授(外文):San- Yi, Yang
外文關鍵詞:European Neautral CountriesRussiathe Uraine CrisisSwitzerlandAustriaFinland
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In the study of international relations, it is considered that the interaction between the great powers contructs the international system significantly, and the small and medium- sized countries can simply choose “balancing” or “bandwagaoning” as their security strategy. However, with the development of Europe after several wars and conflicts, there are five countries choosing to be a neutral country to maintain its national interest. Among these five, this article will focus on especially Switzerland, Austria and Finland.
The Ukrainian crisis in 2014 has put great influence on the relations between Europe and Russia, such as the energy supply crisis in Europe, and economic impact both in Europe and Russia. Most important of all, Russia's annexation of Crimea has intensified the reginal security again after the Cold War. As known as neutral countries, Switzerland, Austria and Finland have drawn greatest attention worldwide because of the close ties with EU and NATO. Therefore, in this article the foreign policy of Switzerland, Austria and Finland are viewed via diplomacy level, military level, snactions level and incnetives level to analyze how these three neutral countries face and respond to the Ukraine crisis, and to find how exogenous factors and endogenous factors have an impact on the neutral foreign policy.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻回顧 4
第三節 研究假設 16
第四節 研究方法與途徑 17
第五節 研究途徑 19
第六節 研究架構與章節安排 22
第七節 研究範圍與限制 24
第二章 中立國起源與歷史發展 26
第一節 中立概念與原則的起源與發展 26
第二節 史上最早的永久中立國—瑞士 34
第三節 強權協商下的中立國—奧地利 41
第四節 面臨威脅宣誓中立的中立國—芬蘭 49
第五節 小結 56
第三章 烏克蘭危機與歐洲安全 59
第一節 烏克蘭危機的歷史發展 59
第二節 缺乏實質功效的國際斡旋 68
第三節 烏克蘭危機:強權競爭下的歐洲安全 73
第四節 小結 84
第四章 烏克蘭危機與歐洲中立國 86
第一節 烏克蘭危機對歐洲中立國之影響 86
第二節 瑞士對烏克蘭危機的反應 99
第三節 奧地利對烏克蘭危機的反應 108
第四節 芬蘭對烏克蘭危機的反應 119
第五節 小結 127
第五章 結論 130
第一節 研究發現 130
第二節 未來研究建議 136
參考書目 139
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1. 王思為,〈瑞士成為永久中立國之國際背景〉,《臺灣國際法季刊》,10卷1期,台北,2015年3月。
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