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研究生(外文):Wei-Chung Lo
論文名稱(外文):An automotive headlamp design using digital micromirror device
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Mu Tsai
口試委員(外文):Pin HanYi-Chin Fang
外文關鍵詞:LEDfreeform surfaceDMDheadlampECE regulationZEMAXsecondary opticslaser-powered headlamp
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車頭燈設計概念為利用均勻、準直的光線,並使光線能量均勻分布在數位微型反射鏡(Digital micromirror device, DMD),本研究車燈設計選用DLP9000, Texas Inc.,DMD對角為0.9吋,由擺動角度為正負12度角、2560 1600個像素的微反射鏡組成。由於光線會被數位微型反射鏡元件,反射至自由曲面鏡,我們先假設DMD的入射光線為準直、均勻的雷射光源,接著利用數學編程軟體MATLAB計算出光線被DMD反射至自由曲面的向量。接著,將DMD與符合車燈法規照明區域的測試屏幕座標化,以DMD上的座標點對應到相對目標平面的座標方式,將測試屏幕各個座標與相對應DMD的座標相減,得出個別向量。最後,以反射定律向量表示式,求出自由曲面上的法向量,自由曲面鏡與DMD搭配成為一組元件,能將光線反射到前方25 m的目標平面。
由於白光雷射正處於發展階段,我們亦採用發光二極體(Light emitting diodes, LED)做為光源,並設計光學元件將LED光線處理成準直、均勻。本研究將介紹均勻準直光的反射鏡設計原理、菲涅耳透鏡設計原理,並使用模擬軟體ZEMAX執行光線追跡,來觀察使用準直透鏡、均勻準直光的反射鏡設計原理和菲涅耳透鏡來投影字幕的效果。我們的設計為二次光學,光線不會直射人眼,為安全的車頭燈設計,且DMD與自由曲面的設計能符合未來雷射車燈的概念。
The headlamp design utilizes light sources with high collimation, and with uniform distribution of light energy to illumate the digital micromirror device (DMD). The DMD designed by Texas Inc. has high resolution of 2500 by 1600 array, 0.9-inch micromirror array diagonal and ± 12 degrees micromirror tile angle relative to flat state. In order to establish a freeform surface that can capture incident rays being reflected by the DMD, we first assume the light that hits the DMD to be as uniform and collimated as a white light laser. Since rays are parallel to each other, vectors of incident rays of the DMD are the same, and so are the reflected rays, which are also the incident rays of the freeform surface. We then mesh the DMD and the target plane to be illuminated 25 m away, according to the ECE R112 regulation, and assign positions to desired points. Every single point on the DMD has a corresponding point on the target plane, which help us determine the vector of each reflected ray of the freeform surface. We use MATLAB to calculate the propogation vector for each ray and obtain the positions of points on the freeform surface. Our optical models are of secondary optics, which means the optical design is an anti-glare design. However, the white light laser is at developing phase, so we use the light emitting diodes (LEDs) as light sources. We introduce optical components, such as collimated lens, reflective surface with high collimation and uniformity and Fresnel lens, to evenly distribut the energy of LED light onto the DMD. Moreover, in an anticipation to see a character to be projected onto the target plane, we aim to change paremeters of models so that the character will be as clear as what a white laser can produce.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目次 iv
圖目次 vi
表目次 viii
第一章 緒論 9
1.1車頭燈發展簡介 9
1.2 研究動機與目的 12
1.3 文獻回顧 12
1.4 論文架構與規劃 14
第二章 車頭燈光學基礎理論 15
2.1 車燈常用光源及發光原理 15
2.1.1 白熾燈 15
2.1.2 鹵素燈 16
2.1.3 高強度放電燈 16
2.1.4 發光二極體 17
2.2 基本光學原理 20
2.2.1 惠更斯原理 20
2.2.2 折射定律與反射定律 20
2.3 光強度與光通量關係 24
2.4 均勻、準直光的自由曲面反射鏡原理 25
2.5 菲涅耳透鏡設計原理 28
2.6 汽車頭燈法規簡介 31
2.7 車燈設計步驟 33
第三章 車頭燈結構設計 35
3.1 可適光學簡介 35
3.1.1 DMD規格 38
3.2自由曲面反射鏡設計 40
3.3 均勻、準直光的自由曲面反射鏡設計 50
3.4 菲涅耳透鏡設計 51
3.5 結論 51
第四章 模擬結果 52
4.1 使用準直白色雷射光源結果 52
4.2 使用均勻、準直的自由曲面反射鏡結果 52
4.3 使用菲涅耳透鏡結果 55
4.4 使用均勻、準直的自由曲面反射鏡結果 56
4.5 結果與討論 57
第五章 結論與未來展望 61
參考文獻 62
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