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研究生(外文):Yen-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Combine FEA and Taguchi Methods for Package Optimization of High Power Devices due to Thermal Stress
外文關鍵詞:Electronics PackagingHigh Power DevicesThermal StressWarpageFinite Element MethodTaguchi method
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The electronics packaging technology is now moving in a light, thin and short direction. The main package is intended to provide a means of power transmission, signal transmission, thermal removal and circuit protection.
The heat generated by the operation of each electronic component must also be considered in the design of the assembly to keep the operating temperature of the electronic product within a reasonable range so that the electronic product can operate effectively and maintain the reliability of the product. The main purpose of the study is to explore the high-power electronic: when the pressure sealant is cooled from the high temperature of 170℃ to room temperature, due to the differences in material properties and shrinkage, internal residual stress is generated and warping or damage to the constituent elements happen, which lead to various problems such as pin deviation, solder contact failure, breakage, and no signal. In this study, we intend to measure the warpage of high power element sealant after cooling, and verify the warpage by finite element method.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1.前言 1
1.2.電子構裝介紹 3
1.2.1.電子構裝層次 3
1.2.2.封裝技術的演變與種類 5
1.3.電子構裝流程 9
1.4.研究動機與目的 14
1.5.文獻回顧 15
1.6.論文架構 19

第二章基礎理論介紹與研究方法 21
2.1.構裝元件理論基礎 21
2.1.1.有限元素法介紹 21
2.1.2.熱傳導理論原理 24
2.1.3.有限元素法軟體使用之熱傳方法介紹 28
2.2.熱應力理論 32
2.3.田口工程理論基礎 34
2.3.1.田口法基本介紹 34
2.3.2.品質特性與理想機能 36
2.4.研究方法介紹 39
2.4.1.封膠原理與製程參數 39
2.4.2.構裝尺寸與材料特性說明 42
2.4.3.表面翹曲量測與數值分析 44
第三章 幾何建立與FEM有限元素法分析 47
3.1.繪製3D結構模型與模擬軟體應用 47
3.1.1. 構裝幾何模組建立 47
3.1.2.ANSYS 分析軟體介紹 47
3.2.電子構裝熱應力模擬分析 49
3.2.1.前處理設定 49
3.2.2.網格收斂建立與質量分析 49
3.2.3.系統設定與邊界條件 51
3.2.4.運算求解 52
3.2.5.後處理分析 52
第四章 田口品質法模擬之分析與結果討論 57
4.1. 以田口方法建立分析流程 57
4.1.1.實驗因子選擇 57
4.1.2.實驗直交表的選用 59
4.2.田口實驗結果 59
4.2.1.使用田口法建立模型之模擬結果 59
4.2.2.構裝中晶片熱應力分析及控制因子之 S/N比 62
4.3.模擬結果分析與討論 64
4.3.1.原始構裝體熱應力模擬分析 64
4.3.2.田口法熱應力模擬分析 65
4.4. 導線架應力模擬分析與討論 67
4.5. 最佳化設計分析與討論 70
第五章 結論與未來展望 74
5.1.結論 74
5.2.未來展望 75
參考文獻 76
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