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研究生(外文):Liang-Te Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Heat Dissipation Mechanism Analysis of a High-Power LED Headlamp for the Automobile
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tzer Lin
口試委員(外文):Jiong-Shiun HsuDe-Shau Huang
中文關鍵詞:高功率LED頭燈熱管散熱鰭片接面溫度ANSYS Fluent
外文關鍵詞:High Power LED headlampheat pipeheat sinkANSYS Fluent
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隨著LED封裝製程能力進步與成本逐漸降低,並擁有高效率、壽命長,輕薄短小、造型設計容易等諸多優勢,近幾年被廣泛的應用在汽車照明光源的使用,並開始往替代舊式鹵素燈與氙氣頭燈來設計發展,成為未來市場上各家製造商積極研究之目標。但由於LED本身的發光效率及壽命,將會隨著晶片溫度的升高而遞減,以及LED的封裝結構並不耐熱,當LED晶片的接面溫度過高時,將會對晶片本身與封裝的材料帶來永久性的傷害。因此如何設計出有效的散熱方式,以提升LED 發光效率及壽命,將是高功率LED 上應用的重要關鍵。
Due to the progress of packaging capacity for the LED industry, modern LED technologies had reached cost reduction, high efficiency, quick response, long lifetime, thin and small, easy to design and many other advantages. Recently, LED has been widely used in the application of automotive lighting as the light source, and it began to replace the old Halogen lamps and High Intensity Discharge Lamp. The study of LED lightening for automobile draws lots of attention from the research and development of automobile industry and manufacturing. However, during the lightening operation of LED, the chip junction temperature rise can reduce the luminous efficiency and lifetime of LED. Moreover, the LED package structure is not heat resistance. Therefore, when the LED chip junction temperature reaches too high, the chip and the packaging material will cause the permanent damage. Overheating is the main problem in the application of the high power LED. To improve stability and lifetime span of the high power LED headlamp, heat dissipation mechanism design is the significant issues.
In this study, the CFD software is used to study the original model of commercial high power LED headlamps. It is analyzed and designed for the heat dissipation. By adding a combination of groove heat pipe design and heat sink, changing the LED packaging substrate and PCB material parameters, we observe the LED chip junction temperature and to discuss the design of thermal dissipation module for heat dissipation. Our simulation results show that under the condition using the high heat conduction coefficient of the substrate and the PCB and combination of groove heat pipe and heat sink will result in lower the chip junction temperature, and maintain high power LED headlamps in the safe temperature range. In addition, with the design of a flat-panel heat sink with heat pipe design can speed up the internal flow through the LED chip junction and can lower its temperature than the previous structure to achieve better safe working temperature.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 車用高功率LED發展趨勢 4
1.3 高功率LED車燈散熱問題 7
1.3.1 散熱器介紹與應用 9
1.4 文獻回顧 13
1.5 研究動機與目的 16
1.6 論文架構 18
第二章 理論分析與散熱模組設計 19
2.1 熱傳遞原理 19
2.1.1 熱傳導(Thermal Conduction) 19
2.1.2 熱對流(Thermal Convection) 21
2.1.3 熱阻定義(Thermal Resistance) 21
2.2 LED 熱阻結構 22
2.2.1 LED 封裝熱阻 23
2.2.2 接觸熱阻(Thermal Contact Resistance) 24
2.3 LED 熱管理論與介紹 25
2.3.1 熱管介紹與工作原理 25
2.3.2 熱管特性限制 27
2.3.3 熱管等效熱阻 29
2.4 流體型態的判定 30
2.5 高功率LED封裝散熱基板介紹 32
第三章 實驗架構與數值分析方法 37
3.1 高功率LED車燈實驗模型與散熱設計 37
3.2 高功率LED車燈熱阻介紹 40
3.3 實驗量測介紹 41
3.3.1 實驗架設與量測點位置 41
3.3.2 溫度量測結果整理 44
3.4 數值模擬分析 47
3.4.1 ANSYS軟體簡介 47
3.4.2 統御方程式 49
3.4.3 Boussinesq 近似法 50
3.4.4數值計算理論 51
3.5 散熱設計需求與目標 53
第四章 幾何模型建立與模擬驗證 55
4.1前處理介紹 55
4.1.1數值模型建立 55
4.1.2網格建立 58
4.2參數設定 59
4.2.1材料設定 59
4.2.2邊界條件設定 60
4.2.3發熱源瓦數校正與網格選擇設定 61
第五章 數值模擬結果與討論 63
5.1 被動式散熱條件下PCB板材料選擇 63
5.2 加入熱管的散熱效益 64
5.3 散熱基板熱傳導係數的改變 71
5.4 熱管長度改變的影響 74
5.5 散熱鰭片形狀設計與空氣對流影響 80
第六章 結論與未來展望 88
6.1 結論 88
6.2 未來展望 89
參考文獻 91
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