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論文名稱(外文):Employing Ontology and BIM to Facilitate the Information for Subcontractor’s Payment Requests and Ledger Generation
指導教授(外文):Chung-Wei Feng
外文關鍵詞:BIMOntologyDynamoPayment RequestLedger Generation
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有許多營造業者開始使用建築資訊模型(building information model, BIM)的不同功能與儲存的資訊來提升作業效率,例如利用BIM中的數量計算功能配合合約中的單價,進行成本估算。也有利用BIM之3D模型對應實際工程完成情況,進行工程驗收。然而,目前利用BIM進行之數量計算與成本估算所萃取之資訊,並不一定能符合營造廠進行計價時的需求,也少有相關研究考慮後端營造廠編列成本會計帳之需求。
General contractors usually need to handle subcontractor’s payment requests periodically according to the progress of the construction project. The documents required for payment requests are related to various types of information generated from construction work items. Consequently, construction company needs to spend a lot of efforts to verify and approve the submitted documents in order to record accounts on the ledger.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been used to derive the information for various operations within the construction project. One of the important functions provided by BIM is quantity takeoff. With this capability, BIM can serve as an information platform to provide the information regarding various aggregated amounts of work required to be performed by subcontractors. However, detail information required to process payment requests is still hard to be obtained from the BIM model if no proper development specifications have been established.
This study employs ontology and BIM to facilitate the information required to process payment requests and ledger. First, various work items performed by subcontractors are analyzed to identify the information required to process payment requests. Then the relationships between work items and BIM elements are determined through the ontology developed according to the required information identified. Next, a variety of Dynamo modules are applied to develop the BIM model that can provide various types of measurements required by work items. Finally, a database that can help construction managers to facilitate information for payment requests and ledger is developed for future uses.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 VI
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究流程 5
1.5 論文內容與架構 7
第2章 問題陳述與文獻回顧 8
2.1 研究問題陳述 8
2.2 營造廠計價及記帳成本資訊管理 10
2.2.1 營造廠計價資訊 11
2.2.2 營造廠記帳資訊 12
2.3 建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling) 14
2.3.1 BIM發展現況 14
2.3.2 BIM應用於數量計算及成本估算 16
2.4 知識本體論(Ontology) 20
2.4.1 知識本體論基本概念 20
2.4.2 OWL 24
2.4.3 結合知識本體論與BIM 27
2.5 小結 28
第3章 研究方法 30
3.1 BIM建模工具 30
3.1.1 Autodesk Revit 2017 30
3.1.2 Dynamo 30
3.2 Ontology模型建立工具 33
3.2.1 Protégé 33
3.2.2 推論器 34
3.2.3 SWRL規則語言 36
3.3 小結 38
第4章 以計價工項為基礎的知識本體與 BIM數量分析架構 40
4.1 解析計價工項語意資訊 40
4.2 資訊需求分析 45
4.2.1 計價工項資訊需求分析 45
4.2.2 BIM元件與計價工項資訊需求分析 50
4.3 建構計價成本資訊知識本體模型架構 62
4.3.1 類別建立 65
4.3.2 屬性建立 74
4.3.3 實例建立 78
4.3.4 SWRL規則語言建立 81
4.3.5 SPARQL查詢語言 86
4.4 發展符合計價工項數量計算需求之BIM建模規則 87
4.4.1 對應並分類LOD規範 87
4.4.2 建立計價工項數量計算需求之BIM建模規則 90
4.5 整合計價工項數量及計帳成本 96
4.5.1 Dynamo模組協助建立模型 96
4.5.2 Access資料庫整合數量資訊 98
4.6 小結 100
第5章 案例驗證 101
5.1 案例介紹 101
5.2 以計價工項知識本體模型為基礎之BIM數量分析管理 102
5.2.1 依照建模規則建構建築資訊模型 102
5.2.2 解析計價工項資訊與BIM模型元件關聯 108
5.2.3 推論計價工項成本資訊 110
5.2.4 產出計價工項數量及計帳成本 115
5.2.5 差異化分析 118
5.3 小結 121
第6章 結論與建議 122
6.1 結論 122
6.2 未來研究方向與建議 124
參考文獻 125
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