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論文名稱(外文):Improvement to preparing construction budget items for carbon calculations-Harbor construction project as an example
指導教授(外文):Hsing-Tao Chang
外文關鍵詞:Carbon footprintemission coefficientcarbon emissionharbor constructionbill of quantitiesunit-price analysis tableresource
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本研究以港灣工程為案例,為碳足跡計算編制施工預算工項提出改善方法。參考現有工程碳足跡評估的文獻,歸納彙整出適用之碳排放計算方式。依據詳細價目表、單價分析表及資源統計表,計算案例碳排放。案例工程總金額87億元,可計算碳排放工項金額原為7,336百萬元,佔工程總金額83.8%,算得碳排放量為382,474 tonCO2e。
應用假設及改善方法後,可計算碳排金額增加為8,266百萬元,占工程總金額94.4%,多出10.6%;仍無法計算碳排金額為489百萬元,占工程總金額之5.6%。工程總碳排放增算出438,102 tonCO2e,增算55,627 tonCO2e,多算出原碳排量382,474 tonCO2e之14.5%。
Evaluating sustainability of construction projects has become a trend. A construction project uses large amount of materials and equipment, which causes much CO2 emission. Most research uses similar method to calculate carbon emissions. But there is no research to solve data avalibility problems faced during calculation.
This research used a case of harbor construction to calculate the CO2 emission by analyzing the material and equipment quantities of the items in the bill of quantities, unit-price analysis table and resource table. The total contract amount of the project is NT$ 8.7 billion. The allowd CO2 emission calculation amount is NT$ 7.3 billion, which is about 83.8% of the total amount of the case project. The calculated total emission of the case project is 382,474 tonCO2e.
The total amount of the data avalibility for calculation problems is NT$ 1.4 billion, which is about 16.2% of total amount of the project. This research classified data problems encountered during calculation into three categories including 10 subcategories. The three categories are: (1) lack of carbon emission coefficients, (2) data without quantitative unit, and (3) lack of data. Their amounts are 19.2%, 28.2%, and 52.6%, respectively. To improve the situation, data can be better prepared by the designers. They can be also collected from the contractor if the project is under construction. When the problems cannot still be resolved after inquireing the designer and contractor, they can be derived from studies and calculated by using the assumptions proposed in this research. By applying the assumptions and improvement methods proposed in this research, the amount that CO2 emission can be calculated becomes NT$ 8.2 billion, which is 10.6% more than the original amount that can be calculated and goes up to 94.4% of the total amount of the case project. The amount that CO2 emission could not be calculated is NT$ 489 million, about 5.6% of total amount of the case project. The total emission becomes 438,102t onCO2e additionally calculated, 14.5% of the original CO2 emission.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 vi
目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xiv
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法與步驟 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 碳足跡評估 5
2.1.1 碳排放評估之規定 5
2.1.2 碳足跡評估範圍 8
2.2 生命週期評估法 10
2.2.1 生命週期碳排放評估 11
2.2.2 工程碳足跡評估 14
第3章 碳排計算之資料需求 17
3.1 碳足跡計算系統 17
3.1.1 定義系統之評估範圍 17
3.1.2 碳排放係數選用 18
3.1.3 計算流程系統化 19
3.1.4 建立假設 22
3.2 港灣工程案例計算碳排放 25
3.2.1 案例工程資料 25
3.2.2 碳排計算資料來源 30
3.2.3 案例使用之碳排係數 39
3.2.4 案例碳排放量計算 40
第4章 計算碳排放之工程資料問題 47
4.1 碳排放計算問題分類 47
4.2 找不到碳排係數 49
4.2.1 船類未有碳排放係數 50
4.2.2 組合產品碳係數無法取得 50
4.2.3 材料單位與碳排係數單位不同 51
4.3 資料無量化單位 51
4.3.1 以式為單位-機具 52
4.3.2 以式為單位-材料 52
4.3.3 資源使用量缺漏 53
4.4 資料不足 54
4.4.1 工項未分成子項目 54
4.4.2 零星工料及工具損耗 57
4.4.3 運輸項目未有運具或運距 58
4.4.4 材質、規格不明 59
第5章 工程資料問題改善與碳排量結果 60
5.1 應用假設與問題改善 60
5.1.1 應用假設 60
5.1.2 計算問題改善 63
5.2 應用假設後之碳排 70
5.2.1 應用改善方法後碳排放計算結果 70
5.2.2 碳排計算檢討與建議 71
第6章 結論與建議 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 建議 75
參考文獻 77
附錄A 訪談紀錄 80
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