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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Evaluation of Design Strategy and Investigation of Aesthetic Preference
指導教授(外文):Chun-Heng Ho
外文關鍵詞:Air ConditionerDesign strategyStrategic AnalysisConsumers’ LifestyleAesthetic evaluation
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In a time of globalization, technology increasingly tends toward the ordinary, the market is easily circulated. Enterprises pay greater attention to the application of design strategy and aesthetic appearance of products, in order to strengthen their competitive advantages. With the intense competition of global market and the rapid technological advancement, the new product development becomes increasingly complicated, and relatively, designers face massive information that requires further integration. Designers need an effective mechanism to understand the influence of design strategy application and should satisfy the needs of different types of consumers using different aesthetic designs based on consumers’ lifestyles. Therefore, this study aims to use Analytic Network Process (ANP) and a two-dimensional matrix as the analysis tools, and discusses the usage situation and effect of design strategy, according to conformance quality (enterprises’ new product development performance) and design quality (the consumers’ need for new products). Furthermore, in order to understand the information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of a sense of beauty of products in the market, this study conducted a case study on air conditioners, proposed the method of aesthetic evaluation to analyze customer satisfaction, and conducted a questionnaire survey in Taiwan concerning users’ different aesthetic styles and lifestyles on air conditioners.
The research results show three main findings. First, based on the ANP results show that the order of top three items in design strategy are strengthening of market information collection and response capability (0.139), improvement of product quality level (0.135), and easy fabrication and maintenance (0.112). In addition, the ANP and the two-dimensional matrix model verified the use effect and improvement direction of design strategy. The ten design strategies can be classified into matured strategy, longitudinal improvement strategy, lateral improvement strategy, and two-way improvement strategy. The findings of this study can be provided to managers for reference in design strategy improvement. The second finding is that most people belong to the “neutral” group, and they prefer space usage, integrity and texture. The second group which has conservative and pragmatic life styles cares practical use than appearance, space usage, and size. People in third group are more active, resource-abundant and well-trained, and they have their own opinions and ideas about trends and presenting styles. They prefer the texture, space usage and integrity of the product, and they put emphasis on products’ styles, images, originality or novelty and so on. On the other hand, among the preferences, the usage of air conditioners and integrity are two most obvious factors, while geometric appearance is lowest. The third finding is related to propose the method of aesthetic evaluation. The proposed method mainly included fuzzy synthetic evaluation analysis and evaluating satisfaction and expectation value in order to calculate weight. This method could reasonably quantify the subjective and unclear information collected during the customer satisfaction survey, meet the multiple attributes of aesthetic evaluation, and shorten the survey duration in a simple and easy manner.
The results of this study are expected to propose improvement directions for design strategies. A designer can identify which design strategies can be used effectively. In addition to the evaluation methods of practicality and objectivity, this result further investigated consumers in different life styles have different preferences of aesthetic perception. Results of the study can be provided as references for product industry and designers.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purposes 6
1.3 Research Scope and Limitations 6
1.4 Research framework 7
2.1 Design Strategy 8
2.2 Design Quality 12
2.3 Conformance Quality 13
2.4 Lifestyle 14
2.5 Aesthetic Evaluation 16
2.6 Appearance Characteristic of the Air Conditioner 18
3.1 Evaluating Decision for Design Strategy 21
3.1.1 Analytic Network Process 22
3.1.2 Two-Dimensional Matrix 24
3.2 Customer Surveys 25
3.2.1 Aesthetic Styles of the Consumers’ Lifestyles 25
3.2.2 Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation 26
4.1 Assessment and Analysis of Design Strategy 29
4.1.1 Status Importance of Design Quality Analysis 31
4.1.2 Status Importance of Conformance Quality Analysis 32
4.1.3 Status Importance of Design Strategy Analysis 33
4.2 Two-Dimensional Matrix of Design Strategy 33
4.2.1 Calculate the Values of Vertical Axis 33
4.2.2 Calculate the Values of Horizontal Axis 33
4.2.3 Stipulate the Standard Value 34
4.2.4 A Two-Dimensional Matrix Diagram 34
5.1 Aesthetic Styles of the Air Conditioner and Consumers’ Lifestyles 37
5.1.1 Analytical Result of Lifestyle Clusters 39
5.1.2 Analytical Result of Product Aesthetic Styles 41
5.2 Comprehensive Evaluation of Aesthetic Quality Satisfaction 43
Appendix 1 Evaluation of design strategy 65
Appendix 2 Aesthetic and lifestyles styles survey 102
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