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論文名稱:以Apple Pencil實現超音波模擬器
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of an Ultrasound Simulator Using Apple Pencil
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chung Huang
中文關鍵詞:超音波模擬器Apple PencilCT影像轉換
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasound simulatorApple PencilCT transform
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超音波在醫學檢測中被廣泛使用。然而,由於超音波的探頭可以自由游移,因此獲取影像並且診斷和操作者的經驗和技術息息相關,進行臨床診斷前需要大量的練習和經驗。近年來,不少醫療用超音波模擬器問世用於協助訓練醫療人員以及醫學背景隻學生。當操作人員移動超音波模擬器之探頭時,顯示器會顯示相對應位置的超音波二維影像。此一方法可以幫助接受訓練的檢測人員在上臨床檢測前獲取操作經驗。在超音波模擬器當中,如何追蹤手部操作的動作是一個關鍵,高靈敏度的感測方式可以提供更精確的位置判定。近期已經有許多不同感測方式已經開發,像是磁感應、光學感應、慣性量測方式。本研究以Apple Pencil為追蹤裝置開發出一平板式模擬器。Apple Pencil劇有內建的雙軸傾角感測器可以量測傾斜角度和方位,本研究以這樣的感測方式進行操作者的手部動作追蹤。手部追蹤的資訊參數會透過無線網路傳輸到伺服端進行相對應影像的運算。在資料庫中本研究採用CT轉換成超音波的方法,以便從網路上獲取廣泛的訓練用資料。轉換的方式是根據超音波的反射、傳遞、逆散射的現象去進行模擬。本研究以肝臟的CT影像作為範例。模擬器可以精準的定位掃描面的相對應合成超音波影像並且肝動脈的影像可以被辨認出來。
關鍵詞:超音波模擬器、Apple Pencil、CT影像轉換
Ultrasound has been widely used in clinical diagnosis. However, ultrasound diagnosis is a highly user-dependent modality. It requires lots of experience. Recently, the ultrasound image simulator has been developed to standardized training procedure in hospital and medical school. As operator moves the ultrasound probe on the manikin, simulator provides virtual corresponding images as the users were examining in a real environment, allowing users to improve their skill before clinical diagnosis. The quality of training depends on the accuracy of tracking device. Because a high sensitivity sensing provides a higher performance for hand-eye coordination training. Nowadays, several commercial ultrasound simulators are available based on different sensor, such as electromagnetic, optical, and inertial sensing. In present study, Apple Pencil is used for developing a tablet-base ultrasound simulator. Two built-in tilt sensors will tell the tilt angles and azimuth of the penholder when the Apple Pencil is touching the surface of the tablet. This feature is made use to track the moving action of the participants. The information of tracking parameters are packetized and transmitted to a server for calculating the corresponding image. The data-base in the present simulator applied CT transform for more widely access to training data online. The transform is based on simulation of reflection, transmission and scattering of acoustic wave. A liver CT image is used as example in the present simulator. The simulator is able to precisely show the synthesized corresponding ultrasound image and hepatic artery can be recognized on the image with different scanning angles.
Keyword: Ultrasound simulator, Apple Pencil, CT transform
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….…..1
Chapter 2 Basic theory……………………………………………………………….10
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods……………………...…………………………….19
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions………………………………………...…………55
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work……………………………...………………62
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