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論文名稱(外文):Investigating the effects of job demands and resources on burnout among bus drivers: personality as a moderator
指導教授(外文):Ching-Fu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Job demands–resources modelBurnoutWork-family conflictBus driver
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Public transport-oriented urban development can alleviate the problem of urban congestion, lack of parking spaces and air pollution, and the bus system is an important part of the public transportation system. The operation of the bus system must rely on a large number of drivers, but the current number of bus drivers are mostly insufficient in Taiwan. Labor shortages cause work overtime problems, resulting in high level of work pressure and lack of leisure time. The result of labor shortages makes working conditions worse leading to more staff loss. Therefore, how to retain and attract employees to the city bus company by improving the job characteristics is an essential issue for the management.
The current study based on job demands-resources model investigates the impact of job characteristics on burnout, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention among bus drivers. This study distributed 324 questionnaires during the period from March to April of 2017. The findings reveal that job demands have positive impact and job resources have negative impact on burnout, and job satisfaction have positive impact on life satisfaction. This study highlights that organizational commitment is the most important factor influencing the turnover intention.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Research objectives 4
1.4 Research procedure 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 The Job demands-resources model 6
2.2 Job demands 7
2.3 Job resources 8
2.4 Burnout 10
2.5 Job satisfaction 11
2.6 Life satisfaction 12
2.7 Organizational commitment 13
2.8 Turnover intention 13
2.9 Personality 14
Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology 16
3.1 Research framework 16
3.2 Research hypothesis 17
3.2.1 The relationships between job demands and burnout 17
3.2.2 The relationships between job resources and burnout 18
3.2.3 The influence of burnout on job satisfaction and organizational commitment 19
3.2.4 The relationships between job satisfaction and life satisfaction 20
3.2.5 The relationships between job satisfaction and organizational commitment 20
3.2.6 The influence of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover intention 21
3.2.7 The moderating effects of individual difference 21
3.3 The questionnaire design 23
3.3.1 The measures of job demands 23
3.3.2 The measures of job resources 24
3.3.3 The measures of burnout 25
3.3.4 The measures of job satisfaction 26
3.3.5 The measures of life satisfaction 26
3.3.6 The measures of organizational commitment 27
3.3.7 The measures of turnover intention 27
3.3.8 The measures of personality 28
3.4 Sample and data collection 29
3.5 Research methodology 30
Chapter 4 Analysis and Results 34
4.1 Sample Characteristics 34
4.2 Reliability analysis 36
4.3 Measurement model analysis 38
4.4 Structural model and hypotheses testing 42
4.5 Multiple-group SEM analysis 45
4.6 Moderating effect of personality 49
Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusions 54
5.1 Discussions 54
5.2 Conclusions 58
5.3 Practical implications 60
5.4 Research limitations and directions for future research 61
References 62
Appendix A Chinese Questionnaire 68
Appendix B English Questionnaire 73
Appendix C Extended Moderating Effects 78
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