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論文名稱(外文):Study on the distribution of coexistent polymeric liquid phases in solutions by Small-angle X-ray Scattering
指導教授(外文):Jr-Jeng Ruan
外文關鍵詞:P3HTPMMASAXSliquid phase separation
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接著以純P3HT與PMMA液相之散射強度為依據,理論計算含有不同體積分率的P3HT與PMMA液相之混摻溶液的散射強度。與實驗獲得之混摻溶液的散射曲線相比後發現,理論計算曲線與實驗曲線於全q值區間Power law散射曲線的斜率變化皆相同。表示混摻溶液內分子鏈團的形狀與大小皆不受混摻比例的影響。可推論,P3HT與PMMA形成各自的液相分佈於溶液中,分子鏈團並不互相影響。

關鍵詞: 小角度X光散射,聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯,聚已基噻吩,相分離

The liquid phase separation behavior in solution system of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl)(P3HT) and poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) have been explored. The solvent affinity was a critical factor for the conformation change of dissolved polymer molecule, which provides the essential condition to elucidate the occurrence of phase separation in solution. By fitting the calculation of sorted polymer solution with the binary solution system, the liquid phases are stable staying in the blend system and the electron density of phases do not be influenced by the blend ratio. The trend of surface area change by Porod analysis is same with the observation in the thin film. Upon obtained results, polymer liquid phases are independent in blend system and do not affect each other. Furthermore, the suspended CNTs contents were related with the volume ratio of P3HT component in the solution and do not change the liquid phase distribution in the solution, which is a strength evidence to confirm the occurrence of phase separation in solution. In summary, the liquid phase of two polymer components in blend system have not been unveiled by SAXS analysis before. The SAXS analysis in solution experiment is a helpful method for similar binary system of liquid state.

Key words: P3HT, PMMA, SAXS, liquid phase separation
1.1 前言與研究動機1
二、 文獻回顧2
2.1 小角散射的基本原理2
2.1.1 X-ray散射定理2
2.1.2 散射物體與散射強度間的關係4
2.1.3 稀薄懸浮粒子系統8
2.1.4 非粒子兩相系統與多相系統15
2.2 小角度X光散射之應用19
2.2.1 高分子於有機溶劑中之構象19
2.2.2 奈米碳管的分散性與形貌變化22
2.2.3 PCBM混摻聚賽吩高分子的聚集行為25
2.2.4 計算PCBM聚集結構的介面面積27
三、 實驗材料及方法30
3.1 實驗材料30
3.2 實驗分析儀器32
3.3 實驗步驟34
四、 結果與討論35
4.1 有機溶液中高分子鏈段的行為35
4.1.1 濃度效應對PMMA分子鏈團形狀與大小的影響35
4.1.1 濃度效應對P3HT分子鏈團形狀與大小的影響38
4.1.2 奈米碳管對P3HT與PMMA分子鏈團形狀大小的影響41
4.2 P3HT與PMMA高分子液相混摻效應44
4.2.1 混摻比例對溶液散射強度的影響44
4.2.2 不同液相對混摻溶液散射強度的貢獻47
4.2.3 兩液相界面面積與混摻比例的關係53
4.3 奈米碳管於兩液相系統內選擇性分佈57
4.3.1 奈米碳管數量對溶液散射曲線的影響57
4.3.2 奈米碳管對P3HT成份液相電子密度的影響59
五、 結論65
六、 參考文獻列表67
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