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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Temporary Clusters on local Industry Development from Convention and Exhibition: The Case of 2017 Taiwan International Orchids Show
指導教授(外文):Shiann-Far Kung
中文關鍵詞:暫時群聚(Temporay Clusters)產業群聚地方產業發展臺灣國際蘭展
外文關鍵詞:Temporay ClustersIndustrial ClusterLocal Industrial DevelopmentTaiwan International Orchids Show
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在產業群聚、知識與創新的基礎下,國外研究更將國際貿易展概念化暫時群聚(Temporay Clusters)。研究發現,會展形成的暫時群聚效果能夠透過跨地區管道,促進產業創新及提升產業發展。暫時群聚不僅能夠解決產業群聚的封閉性,同時,提高各地方產業的能見度促進地方發展,顯現出暫時群聚對於地方產業的影響及重要性。
The impacts of global industrialization and commercialization lead to increasing international trade and investment. As the same time, expanding the scope of the transnational communication also has the strong effect on local and global economic development.
The convention and exhibition will be able to expand the international market and then promote the national economic development. It can be found that the research has been discussed from the perspective of location selection to the clusters. It is believed that the cluster as an industry gathering in specific areas can be used as an explanation of interregional interaction and knowledge innovation.
European researches regard the concept of international trade show as the theory of temporay clusters. The study also found that temporary clusters from the convention and exhibition can promote industrial innovation and enhance industrial development through the global pipelines.
Using participant observation as a data collection method, this research is actually involved in 2017 Taiwan International Orchid. In recent years, due to the impact of globalization, automated production, rapid development of technology, Orchid industry faced the pressure of international competition.
In conclusion, the research emphasizes that temporay clusters not only solves the closure property of industrial clusters but also enhances the visibility of local industries. Moreover, temporay clusters shows that the impact and importance of local industrial development.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 研究限制 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 會展範疇 6
第二節 產業群聚與創新群聚相關理論 10
第三節 暫時群聚理論 17
第四節 臺灣蘭花產業 29
第五節 小結 41
第三章 研究設計 42
第一節 研究範疇 42
第二節 研究內容 43
第三節 研究方法 46
第四節 研究效度 52
第四章 地方產業分析-以2017臺灣國際蘭展為例 53
第一節 參展商之產業分析 53
第二節 參展商之空間分佈 60
第三節 小結 64
第五章 實證分析 65
第一節 實證內容 65
第二節 產業間與產業鏈的互動關係 66
第三節 群聚效果對周邊空間及產業的影響 70
第四節 暫時群聚模型之發展 75
第五節 探討相關影響因素 86
第六節 小結 93
第六章 結論與建議 94
第一節 結論 94
第二節 後續研究建議 98
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