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論文名稱(外文):Potential Seismogenic zone on the Liuchia-Muchiliao Fault Inferred from the Geodetic Data during 2002–2015 and Intensity Dustribution of 1862 Tainan Earthquake
指導教授(外文):Kuo-En Ching
外文關鍵詞:Liuchia-Muchiliao faultGPSPrecise levelingBaseline inversion modelIsoseismal maps
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六甲─木屐寮逆衝斷層是台灣西南部沿海平原區至麓山帶的交界斷層之一,在六甲─木屐寮斷層以東的區域有比周圍更高的壓縮應變率,此應變率反映了該區域內較高的應變累積量以及所對應的地震潛勢,此應變累積量可能是淺部斷層所反應或由深部的盲斷層系統所累積,而此區域恰好與1862年台南地震的震央位置有重合,而前人的研究工作也指出1862年台南地震的震源應位於六甲斷層深處,可以看出目前該斷層正處於地震循環中的間震累積能量階段,而1862年的台南地震為上一次的同震能量釋放事件。本研究使用了2002至2016年間之135個GPS移動站、2003至2016年間之57個GPS連續站資料,以Bernese v.5.0解算得到各測站之座標每日解,並以最小二乘法求得各站速度;本研究也使用了地調所2003至2014年間之精密水準成果,另外還使用了由歷史文獻所推估之1862年台南地震的震度分佈資料,從同震及間震兩個時期的資料進行研究,來探討該地震循環的地震潛能與地震週期。本研究中有三個主要的假設,第一為該地震循環中能量釋放之破裂面會與能量累積之斷層面相符,亦即1862年台南地震之破裂面會與現今能量累積之位置相符,也會是下次地震之破裂面,第二為該地震循環中每次地震時釋放之能量都相同,第三為現今斷層面上之能量累積都是由滑移虧損率所貢獻。在這三個假設之下,本研究先設定合理之斷層幾何參數,透過使用經驗式來模擬同震之地表最大加速度值,並參考氣象局之震度分級表繪製為震度圖,再與震度分布資料做比對,以找出最佳發震斷層之斷層深度;本研究同時也使用了由現今之大地測量資料所計算得之地表水平及垂直速度場,採用基線反演模型進行逆推,並設定合理之斷層幾何參數,以求得在研究區域內各個斷層面之滑移虧損率的分佈。由震度圖與震度資料分析的結果顯示,1862年台南地震之發震斷層可能為深部之六甲斷層,破裂面之上緣深度為6公里、下緣深度為16公里,該面積對應之發震規模為MW 6.8;在部分台南地區可以觀察到地表最大加速度之估計值會低於觀測值,而此低估之現象與2016年美濃地震造成的現象很類似,可能是由於地動衰減經驗式低估了台南地區的場址效應所造成。由基線反演模型之成果可看出,於六甲斷層南段深部有一能量累積面,其深度約為9至19公里,與由震度圖與震度資料推估的破裂面相吻合,可呼應本研究之假設,而經計算後得知其平均滑移虧損率約為1.7 mm/yr。在1862年台南地震的破裂面與現今斷層面上能量累積的位置吻合的情況下,若下次地震時的破裂面仍與此面積相同,且能量的累積完全是由平均滑移虧損率所提供,則可計算出地震週期約為677年。

關鍵詞: 六甲─木屐寮斷層、GPS、精密水準、基線反演模型、等震度圖
The Liuchia–Muchiliao reverse fault is a major seismogenic fault in SW Taiwan, which is also proposed as the source fault of the 1862 Tainan earthquake. In order to characterize the seismic potential in SW Taiwan, I collect the geodetic data during 2002 to 2016 and the intensity distribution of the 1862 Tainan earthquake, then use empirical formulas to simulate the isoseismal maps for optimal fault geometry and corresponding moment magbitude of the source area of 1862 event, and also use baseline inversion model to invert the present–day velocity fields for the distribution of slip deficit rates on each fault plane, finally can estimate the recurrence interval. The results show that the optimal fault depth of the source area is about 6 – 16 km in depth, the corresponding moment magbitude is about MW 6.8, and also show that the current energy accumulating area is similar to the source area, the average slip deficit rate is about 1.7 mm/yr, so the estimated recurrence interval is 677 years. And I also found that there are some PGA underestimates in part of Tainan area, this underestimate may be caused by the ground motion attenuation formula used in this study, and this condition is in good agreement with the phenomenon in 2016 Meinong event.

Key words: Liuchia-Muchiliao fault, GPS, Precise leveling, Baseline inversion model, Isoseismal maps
Taiwan is located at the plate boundary between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate, where the convergence rate between two plates is about 82 mm/yr. The high convergence rate results in the generation of fold-and-thrust belt in SW Taiwan. Previous studies based on GPS observations have found that the area to the east of the Liuchia–Muchiliao fault has high contraction strain rate, which means high strain accumulation in the area and the corresponding seismic potential. Interestingly, the location of the epicenter of 1862 Tainan earthquake is covered in the area which has the high strain accumulation, and previous study also indicate that the source area of 1862 Tainan earthquake is in the depth of the Liuchia fault. So I consider that the 1862 event is the previous one coseismic event in the earthquake cycle, and the fault is undergoing interseismic stage now. In order to realize the seismic potential and the recurrence interval, there are three main assumptions in this study:
(1) In the earthquake cycle, the source area which release energy in coseismic event is similar to the area which accumulate energy in interseismic period, which means the source area of 1862 Tainan event is in good agreement with present–day locked area on the fault plane.
(2) In the earthquake cycle, the amount of the release energy is the same, which means the magnitude of 1862 Tainan event will be equal to the magnitude of next event.
(3) The energy accumulation of present–day locked area on the fault plane will fully be attributed to the distribution of slip deficit rates.
Under the assumptions, I collect present–day geodetic data as interseismic data, and intensity distribution of 1862 Tainan earthquake as coseismic data. And then use empirical formulas to simulate the isoseismal maps for optimal fault depth and corresponding moment magbitude of the source area of 1862 event, and also use baseline inversion model to invert the present–day velocity fields for the distribution of slip deficit rates on each fault plane.
I process the present–day geodetic data for the interseismic surface velocity fields. Then set proper fault geometry parameters from previous studies, and use empirical formulas to simulate the peak ground acceleration, next plot the isoseismal maps by comparing with the intensity scale from Central Weather Bureau. After that I can compare the isoseismal maps with the intensity distribution data to find out the optimal fault parameters of the source area. And also invert the velocity fields by using the baseline inversion model, which do Delaunay triangulation to the coordinates of each station for making baselines and calculate the elongation rates of each baseline with vector difference in the baseline direction, then we can get the distribution of slip deficit rates. The fault parameters of the source area can be used to calculate the corresponding moment magnitude, and the slip deficit rates can be further used to estimate the recurrence interval.
After comparing the isoseismal maps with the intensity distribution data, I found that the optimal depth of the source area seems to be 6 km in depth of top edge and 16 km in depth of bottom edge (Figure 1). In this figure, the black triangles represent the location where the magnitude is 6, the gray triangles represent the location where the magnitude is 5 and the white triangles represent the location where the magnitude is 4. But even the optimal result still not fit intensity distribution data very well, there still have some observed intensity values are larger than the calculated values in Tainan urban area. This underestimate may be caused by the ground motion attenuation formula used in this research, and this condition is in good agreement with the phenomenon in 2016 Meinong event from previous study. Modeling results show that there is a energy accumulating area which is in the depth of the Liuchia fault as 9 – 19 km, this result is similar to the source area of 1862 Tainan earthquake and also can reflect on the first assumption in this research. So in this study, the baseline inversion model is used to estimate the distribution of slip deficit rates for optimal fault geometry of the source area, the average slip deficit rate of depth as 9 – 19 km is about 1.7 mm/yr.
In this study, under the assumptions, I found that:
(1) The result of the isoseismal map analysis shows that the source area is about 6 – 16 km in depth of the Liuchia fault, and the corresponding moment magnitude is about MW 6.8.
(2) The isoseismal map of the optimal source area indicate that there are some PGA observed values larger than calculated values in part of Tainan area, and this underestimate may be caused by the ground motion attenuation formula which is lack of considering the site effect in Tainan area, this condition is in good agreement with the phenomenon in 2016 Meinong event.
(3) The result of the baseline inversion model shows that there is a energy accumulating area in the depth as 9 – 19 km of Liuchia fault, this area is similar to the source area from the result of the isoseismal map analysis. And the average slip deficit rate is about 1.7 mm/yr.
(4) On condition that the source area is similar to the energy accumulating area, which can reflect on the first assumption of this research. If the rupture area of next earthquake event is the same with 1862 event, and the energy accumulation is totally attributed by average slip deficit rate, then the estimated recurrence interval is about 677 years.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法及步驟 2
第二章 研究區域地質概述 7
2.1 斷層 8
2.1.1 觸口斷層 9
2.1.2 木屐寮斷層 10
2.1.3 六甲斷層 10
2.1.4 新化斷層 13
2.1.5 左鎮斷層 15
2.1.6 後甲里斷層 16
2.2 1862年台南地震 17
第三章 測量資料來源及處理 19
3.1 GPS觀測資料 19
3.1.1 GPS觀測資料來源 19
3.1.2 GPS解算策略 20
3.1.3 速度擬合 21
3.2 水準測量資料 22
3.3地表間震速度場 22
3.3.1水平速度場 22
3.3.2垂直速度場 23
第四章 基線應變模型 27
4.1 斷層模型建立方法與參數設定 27
4.1.1 模型理論 27
4.1.2 斷層幾何參數設定 29
4.1.3 滑移虧損率分布粗糙度係數測試 33
4.1.4 斷層淺部之滑移虧損率分布約制測試 33
4.2 模型模擬結果 35
第五章 1862年台南地震震度分析 38
5.1 震度分布資料 38
5.2 震度圖之模擬 38
5.2.1斷層幾何參數設定 38
5.2.2 發震規模 39
5.2.3 最大地表加速度 40
5.3 震度圖模擬結果 41
第六章 討論 44
第七章 結論 48
參考資料 49
附錄一 各測站之時間序列 58
附錄二 模型模擬成果 155
附錄三 震度圖模擬成果 175
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