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論文名稱(外文):Growth and Characterization of High Quality GaSb/GaAs Heterostructure by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method for Post CMOS Application
指導教授(外文):Shoou-Jinn ChangEdward Yi Chang
外文關鍵詞:GaSb/GaAs heterostructureinterfacial misfit dislocation (IMF) arraysMetalorganic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD)metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs)
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我們利用IMF成長模式成長三五族半導體材料與元件之應用,並探討其電性和光學特性。在IMF成長模式中,其Lomer錯位原子位置與相鄰錯位原子之間排列有99%以上的關聯性,藉由X光繞射分析顯示錯合差排缺陷排列與Lomer錯位缺陷幾乎完全相關。在銻化鎵/砷化鎵異質結構初始成長階段,利用銻作為界面處理以改善銻化鎵磊晶層之晶格品質,不僅有效地降低界面表面能,亦可以增加鎵與銻的鍵結能,進而形成二維島狀成長模式。利用上述以銻作為界面處理及藉由IMF成長模式,成長具有高應力鬆弛之銻化鎵於砷化鎵基板上,並改善其光學與電性之特性。同時,利用IMF成長模式成長高品質之超薄銻化鎵磊晶層在砷化鎵基板上,藉由優化成長條件降低其異質結構之表面粗糙度,達到減少載子散射並提高載子遷移率之目的。最後,我們利用碲摻雜於銻化鎵磊晶層中,並成功應用於金屬氧化物半導體電容元件。我們將上述研究結果製作出氧化鋁/銻化鎵/砷化鎵異質結構之金屬氧化物半導體電容元件,此元件具有優異的電容-電壓特性,其頻率散射最低僅有2.8 %。由此證明藉由IMF成長模式可以得到高品質之銻化鎵/砷化鎵異質結構,及銻化物半導體電容元件擁有高載子遷移率,未來亦可應用於p型通道之互補式金屬氧化物半導體元件。
In this thesis, we investigate the growth and application of GaSb/GaAs heterostructure for post Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS). The misfit dislocations play a crucial role in the growth of the high quality Sb-based III-V material heterostructures, which is of great interest for applications in the infrared optoelectronics and high speed low-power consumption electronics. Due to the large lattice mismatch between the GaSb epitaxial layer and the GaAs substrate, large number of defects generate in the epitaxial layer, which vertically propagate to the active regions of devices, thus leads to the non-radiative recombination and deteriorate the device performance. These challenges can be achieved by the introduction of a novel epitaxial growth mode, called interfacial misfit dislocation arrays (IMF) growth mode. This growth mode enables the epitaxial growth of a high quality, relaxed GaSb epilayer on a GaAs substrate without the creation of residual threading dislocations (TDs). The IMF achieves the flat surface through the creation of 90° misfit dislocations (MDs) at the GaSb/GaAs interface.
The structural, electrical, and optical characterization of the IMF-based material and fabricated devices all presented. High resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) data and the dislocation network density is nearly correlated, i.e. there is over 99% correlation between the location of one Lomer dislocation in the IMF array and its adjacent dislocations. Further evidence is given that the interfacial treatments applied in the initial strain relaxation of GaSb/GaAs hererostructure, the Sb interfacial treatment promotes the formation of strong Ga-Sb bonds on the surface of the grown island, which effectively reduces the interfacial free energy and thus promotes the formation of 2D islands. The GaSb epilayers on GaAs substrate were strain relaxed and exhibited enhanced electrical properties and optical properties. Meanwhile, the IMF growth mode has also been applied for the growth of high quality ultrathin-10nm-thick GaSb epilayer on GaAs substrate, which is essential for ultrathin body MOSFET. By optimizing the growth conditions, the surface roughness of the ultrathin GaSb/GaAs heterostructure was reduced, resulting in reduced carrier scattering and improved electronic properties. Finally, we have demonstrated the growth of a high-quality n-type doped GaSb/GaAs heterostructure based Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Capacitor (MOSCAP). The n-GaSb MOSCAP fabricated shows exhibits excellent capacitance–voltage (C–V) characteristics with small frequency dispersion of approximately 2.8%/decade, proving that high quality GaSb/GaAs heterostructure can be obtained using the proposed IMF growth mode. The results demonstrate the potential of high-mobility Sb-based material on GaAs for post p-type channel CMOS applications in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract IV
致謝 VII
Table Captions XII
Figure Captions XIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background and Motivation 1
1-2 Material Growth of GaSb/GaAs Heterostructure 3
1-3 Physical Mechanism of GaSb/GaAs Heterostructure 5
1-3-1 Surface free energy 5
1-3-2 Interfacial Misfit Dislocation (IMF) Arrays 6
1-3-3 Interfacial Treatment 7
1-4 Organization of the Thesis 9
References 15
Chapter 2 Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) System, Experimental Procedure and Characterization Methods 17
2-1 Introduction 17
2-2 Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) System 18
2-3 Growth Mechanism of MOCVD 19
2-4 Fundamentals of Characterization Techniques 22
2-4-1 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 22
2-4-2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 25
2-4-3 High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HR-XRD) 27
2-4-4 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL) 29
2-5 Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements 30
2-5-1 Hall Effect Measurement 30
2-5-2 Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) and Conductance-Voltage (G-V) Measurements 32
References 39
Chapter 3 Formation of Strain-Relieved GaSb/GaAs Type-II Quantum Dots by Using Interfacial Misfit Dislocation Arrays 40
3-1 Introduction 40
3-2 Experiments 41
3-3 Effects of Ga and Sb Interfacial Treatments 42
3-4 Effects of Ga Interfacial Treatment 43
3-4-1 Effects of Ga Flux 43
3-4-2 Effects of Ga Flow Time 44
3-5 Effects of Sb Interfacial Treatment 45
3-5-1 Effects of Sb Flux 45
3-5-2 Effects of Sb Flow Time 47
3-6 Summary 48
References 56
Chapter 4 High Quality GaSb Layer Grown on GaAs Substrate by Interfacial-Treatment-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition 59
4-1 Growth of Strain-Relieved GaSb Layer on GaAs Substrate 59
4-2 Structure and Physical Properties 60
4-3 Optical and Electrical Properties 63
4-4 Summary 65
References 71
Chapter 5 Growth of Ultrathin GaSb Layer on GaAs Using Metal–Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition 73
5-1 Introduction 73
5-2 Experiments 75
5-3 Structure and Physical Properties 75
5-4 Electrical and Physical Properties 78
5-5 Summary 80
References 86
Chapter 6 Effect of Doping Concentration on GaSb/GaAs Heterostructure for MOSCAPs 88
6-1 Introduction 88
6-2 Experiments 89
6-3 Structure and Electrical Properties 90
6-4 Optical and Physical Properties 91
6-5 Al2O3/GaSb/GaAs Heterostructure for MOSCAPs 93
6-6 Summary 94
References 101
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 104
7-1 Conclusion 104
7-2 Future Work 105
References 108
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