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論文名稱(外文):Frederick the Great:his enlightened absolutism and national interests
指導教授(外文):Chi Wang
外文關鍵詞:Frederick the GreatEnlightened AbsolutismEnlightenmentPrussiaanti-machievelli
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This thesis attempts to discuss the reason why Frederick the Great who grew up in the autocratic royal house would be willing to accept and try to practice the enlightenment ideas in his mind? Is the role and duties of a ruler differ from the traditional autocratic monarchy under the influence of the Enlightenment thought? What is the real interests of Prussia and how did Frederick achieve that? Still, this thesis try to discuss that how Frederick to integrate his thought about the duties of the ruler into his rule. And when personal ideals and national interests is in conflict, how do Frederick make the choice?
This thesis plans to understand the conditions of Prussia under the rule of Frederick the Great and the evaluation of contemporary and later generations to Frederick as the model of enlightened absolutism ruler and its contribution to Prussia.

Keyword: Frederick the Great, Enlightened Absolutism, Enlightenment, Prussia, anti-machievelli


In the process of the development and rise of Prussia, Frederick the Great is one of the most important figures. During his reign, Frederick the Great not only enlarged the territory and population of Prussia but also raise Prussia to the main state of Europe. On the other hand, Frederick the Great is also a model of enlightened absolutism. He realized his enlightenment ideals through domestic policy in order to promote the welfare of his people.
But in the process of the rise of Prussia, what are the main objects which Prussia needs and
how could the rulers from the Great Elector to Frederick the Great achieve that? Furthermore, as the model of enlightened absolutism ruler, Frederick view himself as ‘the first servant of state’, and he look how to promote the welfare of his people as an important purpose of rulers. Meanwhile, Frederick also put the national interests of Prussia in the first place. So this thesis wants to understand how Frederick the Great combined the national interests and enlightened ideals in his policies.


This thesis mainly use the original works of Frederick the Great ,and those works were collected in “Die Werke Friedrichs des Großen“ (ten volumes) .These works contain most of the writings of Frederick the Great, and in that we can see the thoughts of Frederick the Great about politics, economics, military, finance, philosophy, even literature. Among these works, the political testament of 1752 is the most important resource provided the principles of the Frederick’s rule. Frederick’s other works finished after the Seven Years War also provided the concepts or the considerations about how Frederick the Great face the crises in 1770s and 1780s. Besides, this thesis also use many biographies of Frederick the Great in order to more understand the pass research.

Although Frederick William I and Frederick II are quite different from the character and preferences, there are still many similarities in their ways of rule. The differences and similarities of Frederick and his father to a certain extent came from his education and growth process. The education from Rocoulle and Duhan and the military education from General Fenkenstein and Colonel Kalckstein made Frederick love French culture and literature, on the other hand, also made Frederick know about the operation of Prussia's military-centered system.
Frederick also affected by the works of the enlightenment thinkers. For instance, in the work of Wolf, he emphasis that the ruler should rule according to the rational principle, and need to establishment the welfare of his people under the principle of reason. The more important thing is because of the correspondence with Voltaire Frederick express his pursuit of a rational way of ruling the state in his anti-Machievelli. In this article ,Frederick thinks that the rulers must have a noble character, like honesty, justice. However, because of the experiences in the administrative and military services, Frederick realized that he must consider from a higher perspective to insight into various events in order to obtain the real interests of Prussia. From this point of view, Frederick's rule is different from the traditional despotism monarch. Frederick the Great thought that the ruler must be the head of the family of the state, the father of the people, the last refuge of the unfortunate, the father of the orphan, the husband of the widow, and the help of all the poor people. As the ruler of government, he must be the first commander of the army, the first minister of the internal affairs, more importantly, his actions must be in line with his responsibilities, and fulfill his duties with prudent and correct attitude.
Indeed, under the initiative of Frederick, the territory and population of Prussia both expended. Frederick, with his astonishing energies, made use of and developed everything he had inherited, and raised Prussia into the first-rank power of Europe . This might be the most important contribution of Frederick the Great in Prussia's history.
目 錄

目錄 i
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻回顧與章節安排 4

第二章 腓特烈之成長與受教 11
第一節 成長時期嚴格的王儲教育以及企圖離家出走之舉 12
(一) 腓特特.威廉一世對王儲教育之安排 12
(二) 腓特烈與父親的不和及企圖離家之因 19
第二節 王儲的再教育與《反馬基維利》對統治者之觀點 28
(一) 腓特烈在行政機關及軍事單位的實習與歷練 28
(二) 萊茵斯堡時期的生活 35
(三) 《反馬基維利》所反映之統治者形象 39

第三章 腓特烈二世所繼承的普魯士王國 51
第一節 三十年戰爭前之布蘭登堡選侯國 51
(一) 布蘭登堡選侯國的建立 52
(二) 三十年戰爭前霍恩索倫家族的經營 53
(三) 三十年戰爭前後的危機 57
第二節 普魯士王國崛起基礎之奠定 59
(一) 選侯腓特烈.威廉的勵精圖治 59
(二) 國王稱號的取得與普魯士的文化發展 68
(三) 腓特烈.威廉一世對國家的改造 70

第四章 普魯士國家利益的具體實現 75
第一節 普鲁士邁入歐洲強權之列 75
(一) 取得強權地位的西利西亞戰爭 76
(二) 鞏固強權地位的七年戰爭 83
(三) 瓜分波蘭─取得渴望的西普魯士 89
第二節 維持神聖羅馬帝國內普奧兩國之均勢 95
(一) 巴伐利亞爵位繼承戰爭 95
(二) 君主同盟的成立 99
第三節 厚植國力的內部建設 102
(一) 行政組織的再調整 102
(二) 重商主義政策的推行 110
(三) 對新領地的管理 117
(四) 積極接受移民進行荒地開墾 125

第五章 國家利益與治國理想間的調和 130
第一節 以國家利益至上的外交方針 131
第二節 藉開明之內政改革實踐治國理想 139

第六章 結論 148

參考文獻 154

附錄一:腓特烈二世大事年表 160
附錄二:地圖:布蘭登堡─普魯士領地擴張(1417-1740) 163
附錄三:地圖:腓特烈大帝在位期間普魯士王國領地 164
附錄四:普魯士王國霍恩索倫家族之世系表 165
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