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論文名稱(外文):The Possibility of Community Participation in Reusing Industrial Heritage through Coevolution approach
指導教授(外文):Hui-Wen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Industrial Heritage ReuseCommunity ParticipationShanhua Sugar FactoryCoevolution
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深度訪談、直接觀察法為主要的研究方法,並以Nvivo 10作為輔助工具分析訪談結果。本研究發現善化糖廠與溪美社區有過一連串對於土地擁有權的爭執,進一步地,他們也發展出一套機制,用於解決土地所有權轉讓的問題,且此機制也會在未來持續被使用。
This research proposes a mechanism for reuse cooperation between industrial heritage and the community and adopts the idea of coevolution, which is “in limited-resource environment, the form and behavior changes of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object,” the research illustrate the ideal conservation of industrial heritage within community participation.
This study examines one of the most representative industrial heritage sites in Taiwan, a sugar factory, and selects working Shanhua sugar factory as its research object. A strongly-related community, Ximei community is the other research target. The evolutionary and coevolutionary theory in organizational study are applied to explain the interaction between sugar factory and community in the past and the present; further, to estimate the development in the future.
In-depth interviews, direct observation are the main research methods in the field. Nvivo 10 is used to analyze interview results. The study found out that Shanhua sugar factory and Ximei community have been through a series of arguments on land ownership. Further, they have developed a mechanism to cope with the transformation issues of land ownership, which will be used in the future.
The study offers several conclusions. The coevolution of Shanhua sugar factory and Ximei community was based on the evolution results which was reacted towards the environmental change; stakeholders’ attitudes affect the formation of coevolution directly; coevolution boost the process and enhance the quality of reuse; conflicts between stakeholders is necessary in order to achieve the coevolution of industrial heritage reuse.
Chapter I Introduction 1
1-1 Research Background 1
1-1-1 Industrial Heritage Conservation 1
1-1-2 Local Community 3
1-2 Research Motivation 4
1-3 Research Objectives and Questions 5
1-4 Research Procedure 7
Chapter II Literature Review 8
2-1 Industrial Heritage 8
2-1-1 Adaptive Reuse 13
2-1-2 Cultural Tourism 16
2-1-3 Sugar factory in Taiwan 18
2-2 Community 32
2-2-1 Community Development 35
2-3 Coevolution 40
2-3-1 Cross discipline 41
3-1 Sampling Frame 49
3-2 Research Method 50
3-2-1 Case study 50
3-2-2 In-depth interview 50
3-2-3 Direct observation 52
3-3 Data Generation 52
3-4 Data Analysis 52
4-1 Shanhua Sugar Factory 54
4-1-1 History 54
4-1-2 Layout 55
4-1-3 Development 59
4-2 Ximei Community 72
4-2-1 History 72
4-2-2 Community development association 74
4-3 Land Ownership 89
5-1 Coevolution in Reuse of Industrial Heritage 97
5-1-1 Variation-selection-retention model 97
5-1-2 Durham’s five elements 98
5-1-3 Porter’s coevolution theory 100
5-2 Attitude Results by NVivo 10 Analysis 102
5-3 Summary 108
5-4 Research Limitation and Suggest for Further Study 109
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1. Wen, Y., & Fu, C.-C. (2013). 文芸、傅朝卿(民102)。當代社會中遺產價值的保存與維護【專題】。建築學報,84,77-96。
2. Lin, H.-W. (2008). 林曉薇(民97)。文化景觀保存與城鄉發展之研究-以英國世界文化遺產巴那文工業地景為例【專題】。都市與計劃,35(3),205-225。
3. Shy, G.-L. (2009). 施國隆(民98)。國際共識下的工業遺產保護。文化資產保存學刊,10,5-12。
4. Hsu, Y.-D., & Lee, H.-Y. (2006). 許育典、李惠圓(民95)。多元文化國下建築文化資產保存的建構【專題】。臺灣土地研究,9(2),75-98。
5. Chen, L.-Q. (2000). 陳亮全(民89)。近年台灣社區總體營造之展開【專題】。住宅學報,9(1)。
6. Fu, C.-C. (2003). 傅朝卿(民92)。工業遺產再生論:探索世界工業文化遺產之保存與永續經營【專題】。建築師雜誌,304,64-69。
7. Hwang, S.-H., & Chang, Y.-F. (2016).黃世輝、張怡棻(民105)。工業遺產空間再利用可適性之檢核要項研究【專題】。設計學報,21(2)。
8. Hwang, W.-S. (2004). 黃源協(民93)。社區工作何去何從:社區發展?社區營造?。社區發展季刊,107,78-87。
9. Huang, L.-X. (2010). 黃龍興(民99)。工業遺產保存再利用之探討-以花蓮創意文化園區為例。文化資產保存學刊,12,67-82。
10. Liao, Z.-Q., & Zhang, Z.-Y. (2006). 廖哲強、張長義(民95)。鄉村發展地方文化產業化歷程-以嘉義縣蒜頭糖廠蔗埕文化園區為例【專題】。稻江學報第一卷,2。