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論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Lifestyle of Creative Class and their Interaction with Public Space—— A Perspective from Designers in Taipei
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Ling Chung
外文關鍵詞:Creative CityCity Public SpaceLifestyle of Creative ClassDevelopment of Creative Class
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本研究主要從設計師的角度,探討創意人才的生活風格及與城市公共空間之互動,透過創意城市、創意人才的生活方式和城市公共空間的文獻整理,再根據對研究目的與方法的探究,本研究採取之主要步驟包括:1. 通過試驗性研究對題目的可行性進行分析,並為後續的問卷設計和受訪者的選擇提供方向;2. 透過位於對台北的5家設計工作室施行問卷,了解26位設計師創意人如何形容其生活與工作,從而描繪出創意人才的生活風格; 3. 根據問卷當中5位設計師的面對面深度訪談,探討創意人生活與城市公共空間的連結,從而分析了解與公共空間的互動對於創意人的意義。
In the age of innovation and creativity, the development of creative city, creative class and creative lifestyle have been emphasized. As the core and bloodstream of creative city, creative class has their special characteristic and lifestyle. Public space is the important connection between city and creative class. Moreover, interaction with public space is an indispensable part in their life. As “World Design Capital” city, how to improve and develop the city, in order to retain creative class, has become important for Taipei.
This research focus on the lifestyle of creative class and the impact of their relationship with city’s public space. Based on the literature review of creative city, creative class and public space, this research was divided into 3 steps though the analysis of research objectives and questions: 1. Pilot study is to point out some directions for the design of questionnaire and choosing participants. 2. Questionnaire is to explore the lifestyle of creative class, based on how they describe their life and work. 3. In-depth interview is to investigate the interaction between creative class and city’s public space. Moreover, the impact of public space on creative class would be analyzed.
The result of this research reveals that creative class has their special characteristic and lifestyle, which described by them as changeable and degage, and like to chase after more exploration and experience. Since these characteristic, they need and like to interact with public space. From their description of interaction with public space, research found that public space was an indispensable part in their life. They felt relax and they could release the pressure in public space, meanwhile, they could get inspiration and enthusiastic of life. Diversity of public space broaden their horizon as well. Creative class like to keep the balance of work and live, private and public to some extent. The outcome of this research can offer some suggestions for the development of city public space, so as to meet the demand of creative class.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
Table of Content IV
Table of Figure VII
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 10
1.3 Research questions and objectives 12
2.1 Building a vibrant creative city 13
2.1.1 Creative city as a creative milieu: “soft” meets “hard” 13
2.1.2 Creative class: “soft” infrastructure of creative city 16
2.1.3 Public space: ‘hard’ infrastructure of creative city 19
2.1.4 Summary 24
2.2 A close look into the creative class 24
2.2.1 Quasi-anonymity lifestyle of creative class 25
2.2.2 The place where would attract creative class 26
2.3 Toward a creative city: the case of Taipei 29
2.3.1 Changing condition of creative class in Taipei 29
2.3.2 The evolution of public space in Taipei 32
3.1 Research Design 38
3.1.1 Research Process 38
3.2 Research Methods 39
3.2.1 Pilot study 39
3.2.2 Questionnaire 44
3.2.3 In-depth interview 45
3.3 Case selection and data analysis 46
3.3.1 Criteria of interviewees selection in Taipei 46
3.3.2 Data analysis method 46
4.1 Introduction to participants in the questionnaire and interview 49
4.2 How you describe your lifestyle? 53
4.2.1 Work-life choice 53
4.2.2 Close connection with public space 55
4.2.3 What can public space bring to you? 56
4.2.4 Summary 57
4.3 How does public space immerse into creative class’s life? 58
4.3.1 Details of creative class’s lifestyle 58
4.3.2 Quality of public space: connected with creative class 60
4.3.3 Summary 66
4.4 Intangible impact of public spaces on creative class: lifestyle and individuality 67
4.4.1 Affordable space 68
4.4.2 Creative milieu 70
4.4.3 Urban diversity 72
4.4.4 Summary 74
5.1 Research Discussion 76
5.1.1 Lifestyle connects to the characteristic of creative class 77
5.1.2 Lifestyle connects to public space 79
5.1.3 Characteristic of creative class connects to public space 80
5.2 Comment of public spaces in Taipei 81
5.3 Research limitation and future directions 82
1. Questionnaire 88
2. In-depth Interview 93
3. Transcript 96
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