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Website Information:
•Oxford dictionary: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/experience [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•What is Intangible Cultural Heritage? http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/what-is-intangible-heritage-00003 [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Shoyeido Incense company official website: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp and http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/english/aboutus/index.html [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Mon-Koh experience: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/topics/2017/05/45-4.html [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Mon-Koh: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/english/knowledges/mon-koh.html [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Fragrance factory tour: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/english/aboutus/factory.html [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Seasonal incense making experience: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/shop-info/ranzankakyo.html [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Seasonal-limited incense experience: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/topics/2017/05/post-452.html [Accessed 19 June 2017]
•Traditional incense making experience: http://www.shoyeido.co.jp/topics/2017/07/post-468.html [Accessed 23 July 2017]
•Marumasu-Nishimuraya official website: http://marumasu.sakura.ne.jp/english/ and http://www.marumasu-nishimuraya.co.jp [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Kyo-Yuzen Standard Course Experience: http://marumasu.sakura.ne.jp/english/?page_id=758 [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Kyo-Yuzen Advanced Course Experience: http://www.marumasu-nishimuraya.co.jp/taiken/course/yuzen02/ [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Furoshiki Wrapping Workshop: http://marumasu.sakura.ne.jp/english/?page_id=760 [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Chopstick Making and Case Dyeing: http://marumasu.sakura.ne.jp/english/?page_id=762 [Accessed 15 June 2017]
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•Official website of Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts Fureaikan: http://www.miyakomesse.jp/fureaika/index_eng.php [Accessed 15 June 2017]
•Official website of Traditional Arts School of Kyoto: http://www.task.ac.jp [Accessed 15 June 2017]