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論文名稱(外文):Face Recognition based on Sharpening Convolutional Neural Network
外文關鍵詞:Industrial 4.0face recognitionBig Datadeep learningSharpeningtraining convergence rateoverfittinggeneralization
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神經網路中有可能因為激活函數選擇或是學習率大小導致訓練困難。本論文提出一種Sharpening方法去強化卷積過後特徵圖,在Yale資料庫上面測試,發現使我們訓練與測試時候收斂速度有明顯提升,經過比較多實驗比較過後,我們 發現最後發現此方法在測試階段有可能會訓練過度影響到測試性能結果,所以未來改善方向可以加入一些神經網路中防止過擬合提升一般化方法進行更好改良。

Recently, deep neural network has achieved a promising result in face recognition. Neural networks have different models in which convolutional deep neural network (DCNN) is a powerful visual model that yields a hierarchical feature map structure. However, in convolutional neural network too many super-parameters result in training difficulties. Therefore, vanishing gradient or exploding gradient problems are an eternal topic in deep learning.
Thesis proposes a sharpening convolutional neural network to solve this problem. This model can execute multi-class face identification tasks, since sharpening convolutional neural network greatly improves the model generation capacity by introducing an effective sharpening layer. This new architectural model consists of sharpening layers which can emphasize or enhance the feature maps, so that it may improve the training convergence rate. The experimental results show that embedding sharpening layers in DCNN may extract better features.

誌謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目次 iv
表目次 vi
圖目次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2人臉識別 2
1.2.1 人臉檢測 3
1.2.2 特徵提取 4
1.2.3 分類器 5
1.3研究動機 7
1.4論文架構 8
第二章 深度學習簡介 9
2.1深度學習的核心概念 11
2.2深度學習的架構 11
2.2.1限制波茲曼機(Restricted Boltzmann Machine) 11
2.2.2深信度網路(Deep Belief Networks) 11
2.2.3 卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Networks) 12
2.2.4 自動編碼(Auto Encoder) 15
2.2.5 稀疏編碼(Sparse Coding) 15
2.3 卷積網路人臉應用參考文獻回顧 17
2.4 卷積網路架構改動參考文獻回顧 18
第三章 卷積神經網路實作方法 20
3.1數據預處理 21
3.1.1簡單縮放 21
3.1.2逐樣本均值削減 21
3.1.3特徵標準化 21
3.2銳化卷積神經網路架構 22
3.3網路深度探討 23
3.4卷積核尺寸大小(Convolutional Kernel Size) 24
3.5激活函數選擇 25
第四章 實驗結果與分析 27
4.1實驗平台 27
4.2實驗資料庫 27
4.3交叉驗證 28
4.4從神經元來分析Sharpening 29
4.5結果與分析 34
第五章 結論與未來展望 42
5.1結論 42
5.2未來展望 42
參考文獻 43


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