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研究生(外文):Oleg, Trylis
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Development of Smart City Cases from Citizen Participation Perspective
指導教授(外文):Dzeng, Ren-Jye
外文關鍵詞:Smart CityCitizen EngagementCitizen Engagement Efficiency
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在人口過剩及都市化程度增長下,開發都市新管理法門之需求日益漸增,智慧城市也漸成為二十一世紀政府所尋求的解決法門。然而,由於科學文獻仍對智慧城市下全面定義有所困難;智慧城市之具體操作、效率評估、及其現象之其它結構性知識的研究,也落後於其實質使用率。儘管如此,政府、企業與公眾團體,仍對智慧城市一詞下之企劃投以大量資源。 當大多文獻皆著重於智慧城市之技術層面,有些研究已指出公民參與對於企畫成功之至高重要性。為追續這些研究,此論文旨在使用Rowe-Frewer公眾參與效率評估架構,檢驗公民於特拉維夫、里約熱內盧、及桑坦德之12個智慧城市企畫的參與成效。 此研究於Rowe-Frewer標準下,為定性評估提出一套子標準,並根據智慧城市公開企劃之可得數據,在公民參與方面,審視其設計與實施,及其成果表現及趨勢。得到的評估結果,支持Rowe-Frewer架構對智慧城市企畫以公民參與為導向之適切性的假定,並或能為智慧城市企劃的未來發展和設計,提供有益之依據。
Following the growing need to develop new approaches to city management under conditions of overpopulation and increasing urbanization, the Smart Cities are becoming a go-to solution for governments in 21st century. However, the scientific literature struggles to pin down a comprehensive definition of what Smart City is, and because of this – specifics of its operation, efficiency evaluation and other structured knowledge of the phenomenon lags behind the adoption rates. Despite that, governments, companies and communities dedicate huge resources to initiatives under Smart City umbrella.
While most of the literature focuses on technological aspect of smart cities, some researches have pointed out the highest importance of Citizen Engagement to the success of the initiative. To follow up these findings this research aims to utilize Rowe-Frewer public engagement efficiency evaluation framework in order to examine efficiency of citizen engagement in 12 Smart City initiatives in Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro, and Santander. This research proposes a set of sub-criteria for qualitative evaluation under Rowe-Frewer criteria and inspects the performance of the investigated initiatives and trends in Smart City project design and implementation with respect to citizen engagement based on publically accessible data about the projects. The received evaluation results support the assumption of applicableness of Rowe-Frewer framework to citizen engagement oriented Smart City projects and may provide a valuable background for future development and design of Smart City initiatives.
Abstract .....................................i
Acknowledgement ....................................ii
Table of Contents ...........................iii
List of Tables ....................................iv
List of Figures .....................................v
Chapter 1. Introduction .............................1
1.1 Background .....................................1
1.1.1 The Role of the City .....................1
1.1.2 Problems Generated by Cities .............2
1.1.2 Definitions of Smart Cities .............2
1.1.3 Factors of Smart City Success .............3
1.1.4 Efficiency of Citizen Engagement Methods .....4
1.2 Research Objective .............................5
1.3 Significance of the Study .....................5
1.4 Research Design .............................7
Chapter 2. Literature Review ....................10
Chapter 3. Evaluation Procedure ....................13
Chapter 4. Case Studies and Evaluation ............21
4.1 Tel Aviv, Israel ............................21
4.1.1 Introduction ............................21
3.1.2 Citizen Engagement Initiatives ............22
4.2 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ....................34
4.2.1 Introduction ............................34
4.2.2 Citizen Engagement Initiatives ............35
4.3 Santander, Spain ............................49
4.3.1 Introduction. ............................49
4.3.2 Citizen Engagement Initiatives ............50
Chapter 5. Analysis Results ....................63
5.1 Rowe-Frewer Criteria Evaluations ............63
5.2 Identified Trends ............................78
5.3 Rowe-Frewer Framework in Application to Smart City Projects ....................................79
Chapter 6. Conclusions ............................81
Chapter 7. References ............................82
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