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研究生(外文):Wu, Yi-Hui
論文名稱(外文):Integrating Multiple Correspondence Analysis with Multidimensional Scaling to Achieve Market Segmentation for Internet of Things-An Example of Smart Home
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chih-Hsuan
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jei-ZhengChiu, Ming-ChungWang, Chih-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:correspondence analysismultiple correspondence analysismultidimensional scalingmarket segmentation
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全球智慧家庭服務滲透率正快速延展,2019年美國市場預估將有近4成家庭採用智慧家庭系統與服務,全球智慧家庭滲透率更可達 12%,但目前尚無人能稱霸智慧家庭市場,業者也仍在探索提供什麼樣的產品/服務能快速融入家庭之中,因此在台灣的智慧家庭產品開發以及顧客需求連結有探討的必要性。
  本研究先以對應分析及多重對應分析探討消費者對智慧家庭應用產品與產品功能屬性間之認知,接著以多元尺度法分析消費者對產品功能屬性的偏好,交叉比對發現安全監控產品應具備門禁安全、指紋鎖、即時畫面監視、防盜通報、偵測有害氣體、家人返家回報等功能;健康照護產品應具備收集生理資訊、用藥提醒及諮詢服務、偵測睡眠狀態、醫療照顧的服務與建議等功能;智慧節能產品應具備偵測移動功能燈光自動啟閉、感測外部光線窗簾自動啟閉、遙控家電設備、依當下情境所需情境設定照明等功能;舒適生活產品則應具備偵測移動功能燈光自動啟閉、感測外部光線窗簾自動啟閉、遙控家電設備、依當下情境所需情境設定照明等功能、透過監控設備與家人互動等功能。也發現安全監控產品之目標市場在於已婚或年齡在40~49歲之消費者;健康照護產品之目標市場在於從事資訊科技業或無(含退休)或與長輩、伴侶及小孩共同居住之消費者;智慧節能產品之目標市場在於未婚或年齡在30~39 歲之消費者;而舒適生活產品之目標市場則是在於未婚、獨居、年收入50萬以下之消費者。
Global smart home service is booming and rapidly penetrating our life. It is estimated by the US market that nearly 40% family will enjoy smart home systems and services by 2019, and the global smart home penetration rate will even over 12%; however, no one in this industry is taking the lead. The industry is still exploring different products / services that can quickly penetrate into families; therefore, I believe that it is essential to discuss the development of smart home product in Taiwan and the connection of customer demanding.
This study first discusses the understanding of the functional attributes of the smart family application product and the product function in customers by using corresponding analysis and multiple correspondence analysis. Then, through multidimensional scaling method, consumers’ preference for function attribution of products is analyzed. Comparing those attributions, we notice that the safety monitoring application product should equip with functions such as accessing control security, fingerprint lock, real-time screen surveillance, anti-theft notification, detection of harmful gases, family return home; health care applications should equip with functions such as collecting physiological information, medication reminders and consultants, detecting sleeping condition and medical care services and recommendations …etc.; smart energy-saving applications should equip with auto-switch of light detection, auto-switch of curtains when sensing external light, remote control of home appliances, mood setting lighting according to different circumstances; convenient life applications should equip with auto-switch of light detection, auto-switch of curtains when sensing external light, remote control of home appliances mood setting lighting according to different circumstances and other functions that family can interact through monitoring equipment. It is also found that the target market for safety surveillance applications is aim at married or people aged 40 to 49. The target market for health care applications is customers in IT industry (including retirement or housekeeping) or people who live with elders, mates or children; smart energy-saving products target market is unmarried consumers or people aged 30 to 39; and convenient Life application products market targets to people who is unmarried, living alone, or annual income is below 500,000.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 物聯網(IoT) 5
2.1.1 物聯網定義與架構 5
2.1.2 物聯網的架構 6
2.2 智慧家庭(Smart Home) 8
2.2.1 智慧家庭的定義 8
2.2.2 智慧家庭的應用領域及功能屬性 9 安全監控(Security Monitoring) 9 健康照護(Health Care) 10 智慧節能(Energy Smart) 10 舒適生活(Convenient Life) 11 家庭娛樂(Home Entertainment) 11
2.3 市場區隔相關文獻 13
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1 對應分析(correspondence analysis) 16
3.1.1 對應分析原理 16
3.1.2 對應分析範例 17
3.2 多重對應分析(Multiple Correspondence Analysis) 22
3.2.1 多重對應分析概念 22
3.2.2 多重對應分析範例 22
3.3 多元尺度(Multidimensional Scaling) (MDS) 25
3.4 問卷設計 29
第四章 研究結果與討論 33
4.1 問卷初步分析 33
4.2 對應分析結果 38
4.3 多重對應分析結果 41
4.4 多元尺度法結果 47
4.5 市場區隔 54
第五章 研究結果與討論 55
5.1 研究討論 55
5.2 未來展望 57
參考文獻 58
英文文獻 58
中文文獻 60
附錄:問卷 61
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