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研究生(外文):Chang, Min-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Machined Feature Recognition Based on Process Requirement Modeling
指導教授(外文):Wu, Muh-Cherng
口試委員(外文):Lin, Alan CWu, Muh-CherngHung, Hui-ChihChen, Wen-Chih
外文關鍵詞:machined feature recognitionprocess requirement modelingcomputer aided process planning
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本研究旨在應用製程需求表達法(process requirement modeling )來解決電腦製輔助規劃(CAPP)中的自動辨識特徵(machined feature recognition)問題。過去研究對加工特徵自動辨識,通常認為是一個廣義的圖形比對問題,這種方法在特徵辨識上相當受限於特徵的定義。本研究以Lee (2017)的擴充式製程需求表達法來求解特徵辨識問題,該表達法是Wu & Liu (1991)年所發展的製程需求表達法的延伸,所謂製程需求表達法是描述每一個加工面可加工刀具的範疇,若一個集合的相鄰加工面可用同一刀具加工,則此集合的加工面可視為是一個加工特徵。與過去研究相比,本研究所提的方法優點有二: (1) 簡化事前定義加工特徵,(2) 解決交錯特徵問題。
This research attempts to solve the machined feature recognition problem in the area of computer aided process planning. Prior studies considered the machined feature recognition problem as a generalized graph-matching problem. Due to the requirement of defining a machined feature as a graph in advance, the prior approach is limited in the scope of recognizable machined features because such a machined feature definition paradigm is enumerative and can never be exhaustive. In this research, we use the enhanced process requirement modeling developed by Lee (2017) to solve the machined feature recognition problem. The enhanced process requirement modeling, an extension of Wu & Liu (1991), models a machined face by the scope of feasible cutters that can machine the face. Then, a set of connected machined faces that can be machined by a common cutter is called a machined feature. Compared to prior studies, the proposed approach is distinguished in two perspectives: (1) we don’t need to define machined features in advance in an enumerative manner, and (2) we can effectively recognize interacting machined features that were difficult to recognize by prior studies.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4論文章節安排 4
二、文獻回顧 5
2.1 CAD檔案與CAPP源起 5
2.2 特徵文獻 6
2.3加工特徵自動辨識文獻 7
2.4 製程需求表達法 13
三、問題描述 15
3.1 研究問題 15
3.2研究假設 17
3.3製程需求表達法 18
3.3.1製程需求表達法(PRMold) 18
3.3.2改良製程需求表達法(PRMnew) 19
3.4製程需求表達法與特徵演算法 22
3.5研究目標 23
四、研究架構與方法 24
4.1 研究架構 24
4.2 製程需求表達法(Process Requirement Modeling)資訊 25
4.2.1 PRM資訊介紹 25
4.3 特徵辨識演算法(Feature Recognition Process) 29
4.3.1 特徵辨識定義 29
4.3.2 特徵辨識演算法架構 31
4.3.2 特徵辨識演算法求解流程 32
4.3.3特徵辨識演算法求解步驟 33
五、研究結果 46
5.1 自動化特徵辨識 46
5.2 特徵辨識結果 47
5.2.6 切削工件一 47
5.2.2 切削工件二 50
5.2.3 切削工件三 52
5.2.4 切削工件四 55
5.2.5 切削工件五 57
5.2.1 切削工件六 60
六、結論與未來研究 62
6.1結論 62
6.2未來研究 63
參考文獻 64
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