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研究生(外文):Tang, Hui-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Politics of the Plebs: From Cultural Decolonization to Chen Chieh-Jen’s Sensible Production
外文關鍵詞:sensible production of the deprivedplebspower of speechspecificitycultural decolonizationde-subalternitysupply chaindispatched laborbiopolitics
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論文首先將探討傅柯提出的新自由主義治理技術,以及其「關係性」/「特定性」的本體論基礎,進而提出所謂「鄙民」,恰恰差異於新自由主義機制自我生產的「諸眾」;換言之,「鄙民」不是一種躍升於權力關係之上的解放擬像,而是緊貼著現實權力的特定性抵抗和自我賦權的路徑。接下來,我將通過當代諸多解殖論述的脈絡,提陳何謂單一場域的文化解殖。從Dipesh Chakrabarty的文化主義和知識解殖,Ashis Nandy的文明想像和二元關係,以及孫歌的區域主義與現實政治,通過這些論述,我將提陳在文化解殖的主語,和當代資本主義生產機制下的被支配者,也就是現實的鄙民之間,仍然存在著一種難以共量的話語的間差。

The purpose of this thesis is to mainly differentiate Chen Chieh-Jen’s artistic production from the pan-culturalism of today’s East-Asian knowledge production. I will argue that Chen’s naming of the term “sensible production of the deprived,” refers less a cultural decolonization or the subjectivity of culture, than a realistic meaning speaking from and toward the “plebs” under contemporary neoliberal governmentality and cross-boundary global network. In brief, Chen’s artistic production gives the standpoint and the power of speech made by the “plebs,” rather than the cultural subject; and Chen’s method is formed by a mechanism of resistance founded on the ontology of “specificity,” rather than an “immanence” providing images of emancipation.

This thesis will begin with Michel Foucault’s concept of neoliberal governmentality, followed by an analysis of the “specific” ontology through which Foucault’s discourse is formulated. I will argue that, Foucault’s concept of the “plebs,” founded on the ontology of “specific,” is different from the concept of the “multitude” which is a self-reproduction of neoliberal system. In other words, the “plebs” is not contributing to the images of emancipation, but specific to its context of reality. In the following chapter, I will define the meaning of “cultural decolonization” through multiple contemporary thinkers, including Dipesh Chakrabarty’s culturalism and its decolonization of knowledge, Ashis Nandy’s civilizational imagination and its binary power relation, and Sun Ge’s regionalism and East-Asian politics. I will argue that, there is still indeed an incommensurable and impassable gap between the subject of cultural decolonization and the contemporary “plebs” under global capitalism.

Through the above theoretical definitions, I will formally begin the analysis of Chen’s films and works. I will propose that only through Chen’s “sensible production of the deprived,” rather than the subject of cultural production in the elitist’s institutionalized sense, that we can truly speak from the position of the “plebs” under contemporary global capitalism. Besides, I will discuss that this “sensible production of the deprived,” is no longer what Jacques Rancière describes as the “proletarian nights,” which means having real freedom after work; on the contrary, Chen’s works speak about having no real free time to spare under today’s globalism production. Second, I will describe how the artist’s works are not made to be reproduced as images of emancipation produced by the governmentality of freedom. I will use Chen’s “The Bianwen Book” as an example, to demonstrate how it is a precise critique on the global logistics of culture and knowledge. Followed by the above, I will further state that Chen’s “sensible production” can not be fully grasped by the “narrative turn” and the “archival turn” in today’s East-Asia art world, in other words, Chen’s works are not initiated by any “turn” summoned by the imperative of institutionalized knowledge, but rather it is a specific relation to our contemporary living reality.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 論文緣起 1
第二節 問題意識與研究路徑 5
第三節 文獻回顧 7
第四節 章節架構 10

第二章 「鄙民」的政治,與新自由主義的生產機制 12
第一節 前言 12
第二節 當代生命政治:自由的治理技術 14
第三節 「鄙民」:抵抗路徑的「特定性」生成 17
第四節 「諸眾」:解放的擬像 23
第五節 返回「鄙民」 28

第三章 從文化解殖到當代言說主體 31
第一節 前言 31
第二節 文化與政治的悖論?以法農為例 32
第三節 知識解殖,與Chakrabarty的文化主義 36
第四節 從二元權力對峙到當代交雜的權力機制 40
第五節 區域主義與現實政治 45
第六節 結語:返回鄙民 52

第四章 重返鄙民:由「被剝奪者的感性生產」談起 54
第一節 前言:「被剝奪者的感性生產」 54
第二節 《變文書》脈絡概述 55
第三節 《變文書》:「鄙民」的政治,以及知識物流學批判 58
第四節 供應鏈化的生命政治:從陳界仁的現身說法到迭代的影像 66
第五節 從抵抗帝國強勢生產,到生產社群的平等實踐 74
第六節 「被剝奪者的感性生產」與當代「無產階級之夜」 78

第五章 敘事的復返及其超越 87
第一節 前言 87
第二節 從歷史到歷史性:《帝國邊界II – 西方公司》 88
第三節 敘事的復返及其超越 91
第四節 感性生產或知識律令 98
第五節 勞動者的美學政治?2014年上海雙年展《社會工廠》為例 101

第六章 擴延與映照:泛派遣化的生命政治 105
第一節 從供應鏈化到泛派遣化的生命政治 105
第二節 泛派遣化的生命政治:陳界仁《殘響世界》 105
第三節 陳界仁作品的非裸命狀態 108
第四節 陳界仁作品中的「人群」 111
第五節 結語:擴延與映照 114

第七章 結論 115

參考文獻 118

附錄一 附圖 125
附錄二 陳界仁作品年表 129
附錄三 論文引述的展覽列表 130
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