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研究生(外文):Gong, Jia-Hong
論文名稱:低淨色散100 GHz次皮秒級主被動混合光固子鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射
論文名稱(外文):100 GHz Sub-picosecond Hybrid Soliton Mode-locked Erbium-doped Fiber Laser with Low Net Dispersion
指導教授(外文):Lia, Yin-chieh
口試委員(外文):Lee, Po-TsungSu, Kuan-WeiLin, Ja-Hon
外文關鍵詞:Low net dispersionHigh repetition-rateShort pulseHybridMode-lockedFiber laser
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在本論文的研究中,我們藉由對雷射架構的色散優化以及腔外的脈衝壓縮,再透過高精細係數腔內Etalon之使用,我們架設了一個具較低淨色散值的主被動混合鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射,脈衝重複率高達100 GHz,脈衝寬度在次皮秒等級。此雷射的操作波長介於1540~1560 nm之間且操作在光固子的狀態下,而雷射的平均功率落在3~4 mW左右。當我們將雙半導體激發光源的電流開至大於500 mA時,藉由仔細調整偏振控制器,我們可以得到一重複率為100 GHz的被動鎖模脈衝序列。再加入一10 GHz附近的主動相位調變之後,我們進一步提升了鎖模的品質,得到了脈衝更乾淨、寬度更短、自相關對比度更高的鎖模脈衝序列,重複率為100 GHz而最短的脈衝寬度可達800 fs。我們對此雷射的重要特性進行了量測,包括被動與混和主被動鎖模的各種操作狀態特性。
In the thesis work, by optimizing the laser cavity net dispersion and the external pulse compression, we have successfully demonstrated a stable 100 GHz sub-picosecond hybrid mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber laser with a high-finesse intra-cavity Fabray-Perot etalon. The center wavelength of the laser is between 1540 nm and 1560 nm and the laser is mode-locked under the soliton state. In addition, the laser output average power is about 3~4 mW. When the currents of the two semiconductor pump lasers are greater than 500 mA, by carefully adjusting the polarization controllers, we can obtain a stable 100 GHz passive mode-locking pulse train. After we turn on the 10 GHz active phase modulation, we can further improve the mode-locking quality and get a clearer mode-locking pulse train with shorter pulse-width and higher auto-correlation contrast. The repetition-rate is 100 GHz and the pulse width is about 800 fs. We have measured the important lasing characteristics of the studied laser under both the passive and hybrid mode-locking cases.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 7
1.3 Organization of the thesis 9
Chapter 2: Theories 10
2.1 Polarization additive pulse mode-locking 10
2.2 Active phase modulation mode-locking 14
2.3 Soliton pulse operation state 19
2.4 Nonlinear effects 24
2.4.1 Self-phase modulation 24
2.4.2 Cross-phase modulation 28
2.4.3 Four-Wave mixing 29
Chapter 3: Experiments 31
3.1 Laser configuration 31
3.2 Dispersion optimization 35
3.3 External pulse compression 40
3.4 Experimental results 46
3.4.1 Passive mode-locking 46
3.4.2 Hybrid mode-locking 54
3.4.3 Lower frequency intensity spectrum 67
Chapter 4: Conclusions 69
4.1 Summary 69
4.2 Future works 71
References 72
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