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研究生(外文):Chuang, Hsiang-Jen
論文名稱(外文):Causes and Changes of the Degree of Family Control─Evidence From Taiwan Listed Companies
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Yin-Hua
口試委員(外文):Lin, Jui-ChiaLiu, Chih-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Family Controlled CompaniesChanges of Family Controlled CompaniesFamily Controlled IndexVoting Rights
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本研究主要貢獻為拉長樣本研究期間以探討台灣上市櫃公司家族性的變化,創造家性族控股指標作為判定家族程度高低的依據,進而探討績效、最終控制者特性、公司特性與台灣上市櫃家族控股公司變動以及家族控股指標之影響。樣本取自1996年底存在上市櫃公司做篩選,參考La Porta et al.(1999)最終控制權股東之衡量方法,判定篩選出226家上市櫃公司,進而分辨企業至2016年最終控制者未變動之公司。進一步探討,家族企業、企業家族性變動(家族控股公司轉變為非家族性公司)、家族性指標3個主要的被解釋變數(虛擬變數)探討所有解釋變數與其之關聯性研究。
The main contribution of this study is to study the changes of Taiwanese family firm during the study period, and to create the family index as the basis for judging the family level, and then explore the performance, the ultimate controller characteristics and the characteristics of the company for Taiwanese family changes and family indicators of the impact. Data from the end of 1996 there are 298 listed companies to do screening, refer to La Porta et al.(1999)the final control of the determination of the use of the ultimate control of the control of shareholders to determine the screening of 226 listed companies, and then distinguish the company which did not change the final controller to 2016. And use three major dependent variables (dummy variables): family firms, changes of degree of family control, family index to explore all of explanatory variables and its relevance.
Our empirical results show that when dependent variable was family controlled companies, the greater the manager's internalization ratio, it will increase the probability of chairman is family member. Using the change of family controlled companies as the dependent variable, it was found that board of directors ratio was significantly negative, indicating that when board of directors was reduced, the more likely the chairman who was changed from familial to non-familial member. Under the same dependent variable the explanatory variables is set as the variables data of the previous period, it is found that the greater the deviation between the voting rights and cash flow rights and the smaller the manager's internalization ratio that the chairman is more likely to be changed to non-family member.
In addition, when dependent variable is family controlled index, the greater the cash flow right will make greater family controlled index. While the smaller the deviation between the voting rights and cash flow rights, the higher the family controlled index will be. The empirical results show that the final controller characteristic variables have a significant effect on the degree of family control.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景與動機 - 1 -
1.2 研究目的與貢獻 - 2 -
1.3 研究流程 - 3 -
第二章 文獻回顧 - 4 -
2.1 家族控股公司定義 - 4 -
2.2 家族性控股公司控制權、現金流量權因子文獻 - 4 -
2.3 家族控股公司與非家族控股公司績效文獻 - 6 -
第三章 研究方法 - 8 -
3.1 資料來源與變數定義 - 8 -
3.1.1 被解釋變數 - 8 -
3.1.2 現金流量請求權(Cash Flow Rights) - 9 -
3.1.3 股份控制權(Voting Rights) - 9 -
3.1.4 股份控制權與現金流量請求權偏離差(Voting Rights – Cash Flow Rights) - 10 -
3.1.5 董事席次控制比率(Board of Directors) - 10 -
3.1.6 經理人內部化(Family Managers) - 10 -
3.1.7 設立年數(Set up Year) - 11 -
3.1.8 市場價值(Market Value) - 11 -
3.1.9 績效(Return of Assets、Return of Equity) - 11 -
3.2 研究方法 - 11 -
3.4 實證迴歸模型 - 13 -
第四章 資料分析與實證研究 - 17 -
4.1 樣本資料分析 - 17 -
4.1.1 董事長分類特性分析 - 17 -
4.1.2 總經理特性分析 - 21 -
4.1.3 家族控股指標 - 22 -
4.2 敘述性統計 - 26 -
4.2.1 平均差異數檢定 - 29 -
4.3 迴歸分析 - 32 -
4.3.1 績效、控制股東特性、企業特性與家族控股公司之關聯性 - 33 -
4.3.2 績效、控制股東特性、企業特性與家族控股變動之關聯性 - 34 -
4.3.3 績效、控制股東特性及企業特徵與家族控股指標之關聯性 - 36 -
第五章 結論 - 41 -
第六章 參考文獻 - 43 -
附錄 - 46 -
附錄.1 第二類董事長分類特性迴歸分析結果 - 46 -
附錄.2 第三類董事長分類特性迴歸分析結果 - 50 -
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