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研究生(外文):Cheng, Yu-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Bayesian Approaches for design and evaluation of the Phase II clinical trials incorporating safety and the multiregional clinical trials
指導教授(外文):Hsiao, Chin-Fu
口試委員(外文):Wen,Chi-ChungWu, Yuh-JennHsiao, Chin-FuChen, Lin-AnWang, Hsiuying
外文關鍵詞:two-stage designtoxicityBayesianpriorMRCT
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為了加速全球化藥物開發,越來越多的臨床試驗需要在世界各地進行。1998年,國際藥品法規協和會(ICH)發表了指導手冊E5討論銜接性臨床試驗,並在2006年的第11屆Q&A 文件中討論多區域臨床試驗的定義。日本厚生勞動省在2006年發表了一篇指導手冊, ‘ Basic Principles on Global Clinical Trials’,對於多區域臨床試驗中各個區域的療效,提供了兩種方法來如何決定各個區域療效的一致性。在2016年,國際藥品法規協和會發表了新的指導手冊E17,更加詳細定義與如何實施多區域臨床試驗。E17建議多區域臨床試驗不只評估整體療效效果的效益,且要分析各個區域的療效情況。

關鍵詞: 二階段設計;毒性;貝式;先驗分配;多區域臨床試驗
Drug development is complicated and expensive with a long life cycle. Traditionally, this process has three phases to find the maximum tolerated dose (MTD); check active efficacy response as a cure, and other response or side effects. Also, global clinical trials are conducting increasingly for benefits of patients in different regions. This thesis discusses two topics related to phase II and III trials, namely two-stage designs and multiregional clinical trial.
The goal of a phase I trial is to find the maximum tolerated dose of a proposed drug or treatment is the main goal in the phase I trial. And the phase II trial proceeds with this dose to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed drug or treatment. These two steps consider toxicity and efficacy, respectively. Therefore, this study discusses Bayesian two-stage designs with considering both efficacy and toxicity as main endpoints simultaneously.
To accelerate global drug development, clinical trials increasingly need to be conducted around the world. Therefore, in 1998, the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) published the ICH E5 guideline about bridge study, and the 11th questions-and-answer Q&A document for the ICH E5 in 2006 discusses the definition of a multiregional clinical trial (MRCT). The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) published an important guideline in 2007, “Basic Principles on Global Clinical Trials”, which provided two methods for determining of the consistency of regional effects. The ICH published in 2016 a new detailed guideline ICH E17 for designing and conducting of an MRCT. ICH E17 recommends that MRCT designers should evaluate not only the overall treatment effect but also the regional treatment effect.
This study constructs and evaluates two-stage designs and MRCT for two applications using Bayesian methods. The first application uses efficacy and safety as main responses, following a Dirichlet distribution as a prior. A phase II trial traditionally only evaluates efficacy. This approach also applies toxicity as main endpoint to evaluate trial safety. The correlation between rates of efficacy and toxicity of priors is influenced by choices made previously in the design stage or evaluation. Sequentially, two scenarios are discussed to evaluate the posterior probabilities at each stage. The MRCT is then designed and evaluated, and the overall treatment effect with given the uniform distribution as prior and between-region variability with given the half-normal or inverse gamma distributions as priors are considered random variables. The posterior probability of the overall treatment effect is then calculated to evaluate efficacy of a treatment. These two applications are then analyzed using two different examples.
key word: two-stage design; toxicity; Bayesian; prior; MRCT
Abstract (in Chinese) I
Abstract (in English) II
致謝 V
Table of Contents VI
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures XII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Bayesian approaches in the clinical trial 1
1.2 Two-stage designs in the phase II trial 3
1.3 Preliminary of The Multiregional clinical trial 13
1.3.1 Guidelines of Multiregional Clinical Trials 13
1.3.2 Multiregional clinical trial 15
1.4 Bayesian Methods to Design and Evaluate of Two-Stage Designs and Multiregional clinical trial 27
Chapter 2 Bayesian Two-Stage Design in the Phase II Trial 29
2.1 Design of Bayesian Two stage 29
2.1.1 Distribution of Observed Patients 29
2.1.2 Prior and Posterior Probability Distribution of Each Stage 30
2.2 Two scenarios in the Bayesian Two-stage design 33
2.2.1 First Scenario: Response Rate of Both Efficacy and Safety 33
2.2.2 Second Scenario: Marginal Response Rates of Efficacy and Safety 34
2.2.3 The Process of Transformation of by 36
2.2.4 Correlation between Rates of Efficacy and Safety for a Prior 41
2.3 Sample Size Determination for These Two Scenarios 43
2.3.1 Determine Responses of Each Scenario in the Design Stage 43
2.3.2 Sample Size Determination and Algorithms Based on These Two Scenarios 44
2.4 Numerical Studies 46
2.4.1 Properties of Bayesian Two-stage Design for the First Scenario 46
2.4.2 Sample Size under Different Parameters of Prior for the First Scenario 48
2.4.3 Properties of Bayesian Two-stage Design for the Second Scenario 49
2.4.4 Sample Size under Different Parameters of Prior for the Second Scenario 51
2.4.5 Changing Posterior Probabilities Dependent on under the Second Scenario 53
2.5 Example 54
Chapter 3 Bayesian Design and Evaluation of Multiregional Clinical Trials 88
3.1 Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Multiregional Clinical Trials 88
3.1.1 Notations of Responses and Regional Effects 88
3.1.3 Derivation of the Marginal Posterior Probability Density Function of 92
3.1.4 Decision Rule of the Multiregional Clinical Trial 94
3.2 Numerical Analysis 95
3.3 Example 98
Chapter 4 Discussion and Conclusion 108
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