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研究生(外文):Gao, Shan-Qing
論文名稱(外文):Time-Interleaved ADC and Calibration Techniques
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jieh-Tsorng
口試委員(外文):Chen, Wei-ZenKuo, Chien-Nan
外文關鍵詞:Time-Interleaved ADCMismatchCalibration TechniquesADC Model
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Today, the world is in the information age of a rapid development stage, the requirements of electronic hardware on accuracy, speed and other performance have also been increasingly higher and higher. For data converters, the single-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADC) have a speed-boost bottleneck due to process and other influencing factors. So the time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters which capable of increasing speed with the number of channels become more and more popular. And the dynamic power consumption of the timing interleaved analog-to-digital converters will not increase multiple with the increasing speed. However, non-ideal effects for multi-channel ADCs such as offset mismatch, gain mismatch, bandwidth mismatch, timing skew, etc., can seriously affect the performance of timing interleaved ADCs. Circuit design and calibration technologies for these non-ideal characteristics have become a hot topic in academia and industry.
In this paper, the characteristics of the time-interleaved ADC system are analyzed in detail from aspects such as sampling mode and inter-stage mismatch of time-interleaved ADCs and a model has been designed for simulation. Then we analyze and compare the technical details such as the average calibrations for offset mismatch and gain mismatch, the random chopping technique, the nonlinearity calibration and the detection and correction of the timing skew calibration.
In order to apply directly to the digital outputs of the digital-to-analog converter without adjusting the original ADC circuits, we designed an all-digital background detection and correction technology for a variety of non-ideal effects. After the step-by-step calibrations of offset mismatch, gain mismatch, nonlinearity, timing skew, etc., the actual time-interleaved ADC digital outputs are calibrated to the relatively accurate digital values.
English Abstract.........................................iii
1 緒論.....................................................1
1.1 研究機.................................................1
1.2 論文組織...............................................2
2 時序交錯式類比數位轉換器.................................3
2.1 簡介...................................................3
2.2 輸入取樣...............................................7
2.3 類比數位轉換器校正技術的基本觀念......................10
2.4 結論..................................................12
3 時序交錯式類比數位轉換器中的各種失配效應及其校正技術....13
3.1 簡介..................................................13
3.2 失調失配與增益失配....................................13
3.3 失調失配與增益失配的校正技術..........................18
3.4 時序歪斜與帶寬失配....................................21
3.5 針對時序歪斜偵測與校準的校正技術......................23
3.6 結論..................................................35
4 非線性及其校正技術......................................37
4.1 簡介..................................................37
4.2 類比數位轉換器的非線性及其影響........................37
4.3 非線性校正技術........................................38
4.4 結論..................................................40
5 時序交錯式類比數位轉換器模型之建模技術..................41
5.1 簡介..................................................41
5.2 整體模型架構..........................................41
5.3 TI-ADC模型各係數的量測與設定..........................45
5.4 TI-ADC模型輸出與實測數據值比較........................46
5.5 結論..................................................47
6 時序交錯式類比數位轉換器全數字校正技術..................49
6.1 簡介..................................................49
6.2 校正架構..............................................49
6.3 失調失配、增益失配校正技術............................51
6.4 非線性校正技術........................................52
6.5 時序歪斜校正技術......................................55
6.6 校正結果..............................................61
6.7 結論..................................................68
7 結論與建議..............................................69
7.1 結論..................................................69
7.2 建議將來研究方向......................................69
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