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研究生(外文):Liao, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Structure and Solar Conversion Efficiency of Zinc Selenide Thin Film Solar Cell
指導教授(外文):Jian, Wen-Bin
外文關鍵詞:thin film solar cellZnSeGaAs
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本實驗利用硒化鋅與n型砷化鎵基板結構產生之太陽能電池效應,討論其發生之機制與現象。實驗主要分為五個部份,首先討論硒化鋅薄膜與所使用的鈦金電極之間的接觸行為及光電流產生機制,其次討論硒化鋅於砷化鎵基板、硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵基板之間,零偏壓下產生光電流的現象與機制,及太陽能電池之轉換效率。接著討論成長氯摻雜硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵基板上之樣品與將硒化鎘量子點成長於氯摻雜硒化鋅之間,基板為n型砷化鎵之樣品,並比較硒化鎘量子點應用於太陽能電池上之效能與現象。此外,於實驗中改變環境溫度由300 K至120 K之間進行電性量測,觀察元件在低溫下太陽能電池之重要參數隨溫度之變化以及電阻隨溫度之關係,其中於氯摻雜硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵基板上之樣品與氯摻雜硒化鋅薄膜-硒化鎘量子點-氯摻雜硒化鋅薄膜於n型砷化鎵樣品間皆發現金屬-絕緣體相變化之現象。
The solar cell technology is one of the renewable energy technologies that shall be continuously developed because of limited resources of fossil fuels, resulting in energy crisis. The solar cell technology has grown rapidly over the years. Solar cell is a device that can convert the solar energy into electricity by photovoltaic effects. In this work, thin films of ZnSe/n-type GaAs are used for solar cell characterizations. This report is divided into five parts. In the first part, we study the interfacial effects between Ti and ZnSe and between Ti and Cl-doped ZnSe. In the second part, we discuss the phenomenon and mechanism of photocurrent at zero-bias and solar cell conversion efficiency between ZnSe grown on the two different substrates of GaAs and n-type GaAs. In the third part, we measure and compare the conversion efficiency among the ZnSe/n-type GaAs, Cl-doped ZnSe/n-type GaAs, and CdSe quantum dot embedded Cl-doped ZnSe/n-type GaAs. In the fourth part, we study the electrical properties and conversion efficiencies in the temperature range from 120 K to 300 K. In the last part of this report, we try to study the windowing effect of the Ti electrodes because the solar energy conversion relies on the interface of Ti/ZnSe. To solve this problem, we use an electron beam lithography and a thermal evaporation system to manufacture mesh-shaped electrodes on ZnSe surface. We observed an increase of energy conversion efficiency when windows for light exposures are opened on the Ti electrodes. 
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 硒化鋅薄膜 (ZnSe Thin Film)的結構與基本特性 3
2.2 硒化鋅薄膜 (ZnSe Thin Film)的製作與應用 4
2.3 太陽能電池 (Solar Cell) 7
第三章 理論 10
3.1 蕭特基接觸與熱離子放射 10
3.1.1 蕭特基接觸 (Schottky Contact) 10
3.1.2 熱離子放射 (Thermonic Emission) 12
3.1.3 蕭特基效應 (Schottky Effect) 13
3.1.4 背對背蕭特基二極體 (Back-To-Back Schottky Diode) 14
3.2 太陽能電池作用原理 16
3.3 太陽能電池之重要參數介紹 17
3.3.1 短路電流 (Short Circiut Current, Isc) 17
3.3.2 開路電壓 (Open Circuit Voltage, Voc) 18
3.3.3 填充因子 (Fill Factor, FF) 18
3.3.4 轉換效率 (Energy Conversion Efficiency, η) 19
第四章 實驗步驟與方法 21
4.1 元件製作流程與儀器介紹 21
4.1.1 電子束微影方法製作電極 21
4.1.2 金屬鍍膜遮罩方法製作電極 25
4.2 實驗量測步驟與儀器介紹 27
4.2.1 室溫電性量測 27
4.2.2 變溫電性量測 28
第五章 結果與討論 30
5.1 金屬與硒化鋅、氯摻雜硒化鋅蕭特基接觸 30
5.1.1 鈦金與硒化鋅薄膜之蕭特基接觸 30
5.1.2 鈦金與氯摻雜硒化鋅薄膜之蕭特基接觸 32
5.2 硒化鋅薄膜於砷化鎵、n型砷化鎵基板之比較 33
5.2.1 硒化鋅薄膜於砷化鎵基板 33
5.2.2 硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵基板 36
5.2.3 硒化鋅於兩種基板比較 38
5.3 氯摻雜硒化鋅薄膜 39
5.4 氯摻雜硒化鋅-硒化鎘量子點-氯摻雜硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵元件 41
5.5 低溫電性量測 44
5.5.1 硒化鋅薄膜於n型砷化鎵元件之低溫電性量測 44
5.5.2 氯摻雜硒化鋅薄膜於n型砷化鎵元件之低溫電性量測 46
5.5.3 氯摻雜硒化鋅-硒化鎘量子點-氯摻雜硒化鋅於n型砷化鎵元件之低溫電性量測 48
5.6太陽能效能比較 50
5.7 網格電極元件 51
5.7.1 圖形設計 52
5.7.2 室溫電性量測 53
第六章 結論 55
參考文獻 57
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