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研究生(外文):Chen, Kuan-Ting
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Antenna Feed-array of Reflector Antenna for SAR System with Switching Beams and Reconfigurable Patterns
指導教授(外文):Tarng, Jenn-HwanChung, Shyh-Jong
口試委員(外文):Tarn, I-YoungTseng, Wen-JenTarng, Jenn-HwanChung, Shyh-Jong
外文關鍵詞:Reflector antennaFeed-arraySwitching BeamReconfigurable pattern
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  本論文提出應用於X-band頻段(9.30 GHz ~ 9.60 GHz)星載合成孔徑雷達之酬載天線——反射式天線——饋源陣列設計。在衛星構型與反射面尺寸確定後,設計出一適合於此反射面尺寸的雙極化(水平極化與垂直極化)饋源陣列,其共有六只饋源單元,以兩相鄰饋源單元為一波束的饋源,可使酬載天線達成五個不同指向的波束。
  In this thesis, an X-band antenna feed-array of reflector antenna for satellite SAR system is presented. After the construction of the satellite and the size of the reflector are confirmed, the dual polarizations feed-array, which composes 6 elements, is designed to fit the reflector. With two adjacent feed elements as a beam of feed, the payload antenna can be reached five beams in different directions.
  The multiple feeds system in conjunction with the distributed PA modules, not only performs the spatial power combining for radar detection, but also provides the beam diversity. Flexible and complex imaging mode operations (normal Stripmap mode, broad Stripmap mode, ScanSAR modes and Spotlight mode) become realistic with these multiple beams having various directions and various widths.
  The feed unit is in the form of horn antenna. By placing a cross structure at the opening of the horn antenna, the goal of the specified beamwidth is reached with a smaller aperture, thereby reducing the spacing of adjacent feed elements as feed combinations to make it easier to shape the feed fields. The biased angle, beamwidth and sweep angle of the payload antenna are analyzed by the designed feed-array. In addition, the T/R isolation of system is estimated by its actual measurement results and related components.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
謝誌 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 合成孔徑雷達(synthetic aperture radar, SAR)2
1.3 研究方向及目標 5
第二章 微波感測影像儀 7
2.1 酬載天線 7
2.1.1 反射式天線(reflector antenna) 8
2.1.2 饋源——號角天線 11
2.2 酬載前端系統架構 13
第三章 酬載天線之饋源陣列 16
3.1 酬載天線結構 16
3.2 饋源陣列設計 17
3.3 酬載天線性能分析 30
3.3.1 酬載天線之主要波束特性 31
3.3.2 酬載天線之次要波束特性 36
第四章 饋源陣列量測與結果分析 42
4.1 饋源陣列樣品說明 42
4.2 散射參數量測 44
4.2.1 饋源陣列之散射參數量測 44
4.2.2 整合OMT後饋源陣列之散射參數量測 47
4.2.3 天線系統隔離度分析 53
4.3 場型量測 57
4.3.1 量測說明 57
4.3.2 水平極化場型 59
4.3.3 垂直極化場型 66
第五章 置入衛星本體後的影響 73
5.1 置入假想之衛星本體 73
5.2 旁波束提升之原因及可能改善方法 76
第六章 結論與未來工作 81
6.1 結論 81
6.2 未來工作 82
參考資料 83
附錄 85
附錄1 正模轉換元件(orthomode transducer; OMT)85
附錄2 圓形波導轉WR-90轉接元件(circular-to-WR90 adaptor)86
附錄3 WR-90轉SMA轉接元件(WR90-to-SMA adaptor)87
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