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研究生(外文):Robert, Gdowski
論文名稱(外文):Distributed discovery of resources in IoT and Fog environment
指導教授(外文):Huang, ChingYao
口試委員(外文):Huang, ChingYaoZao, Kar-kinLin, FuChunChang, YiChiehRenShun Yang
中文關鍵詞:對等網路物联网霧運算德勞內三角化Data Distribution Service
外文關鍵詞:Peer-to-PeerInternet of ThingsFog ComputingDelaunay triangulationData Distribution Service
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At the dawn of the IoT era we are witnessing smart devices and services becoming a pivotal part of business solutions. However, in order for IoT to become truly pervasive, a WAN scale distributed IoT service indexing is required. It will contrast with current IoT discovery mechanisms realized through the proprietary, cloud based vertical solutions which enclose IoT resources into hermetic environments and limit ubiquitous resource access and orchestration.
This dissertation promotes the vision of connected IoT resources. Every resource or federation of resources is represented as a node (agent) in a P2P overlay which allows distributed resource discovery, selection and access. IoT environment-specific requirements towards construction of a P2P overlay are analyzed and compared against existing solutions. Later a proposition of novel overlay design is presented that is based on a 3-dimensional Delaunay triangulation which supports spatial query, node mobility as well as publish/subscribe and request/reply discovery modes. A performance analysis in terms of messaging overhead with different architectures cases of the overlay is performed. Finally, a deployment scenario based on Fog computing ecosystem for 5G communication technology is described, with emphasis on aptitude of the proposed solution.
English Abstract ii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
I Introduction 1
1.1 Dissertation outline and contributions 1
1.2 IoT - An Ongoing Revolution 2
1.3 Fog - An IoT Enabler 3
1.4 What are the resources 6
1.4.1 IoT resources 6
1.4.2 IoT related resources 7 Obdo 7 Nöw 8
1.4.3 Virtual resources 9
1.4.4 Resource life cycle 10
II IoT platform 13
2.1 Platforms for Things overview 13
2.2 ATLAS - an IoT platform design 17
2.2.1 Introduction 17
2.2.2 Functionality 18
2.2.3 Architecture 18 Access Manager 20 Selection Manager 20 Discovery Manager 21
2.2.4 Impact 23
III. Discovery in IoT environment 27
3.1 Introduction to resource discovery 27
3.1.1 Centralized discovery 27
3.1.2 Decentralized discovery 27
3.1.3 Distributed discovery 28
3.2 Existing protocols 29
3.2.1 Proximity discovery 29
3.2.2 Smart space discovery 31
3.2.3 Cloud based discovery 32
3.3 Discovery protocol requirements 34
3.3.1 Specification of IoT environment 34 Machine based 34 Deployment based 35 Application based 36 Resource based 36
3.3.2 Requirements for the discovery 37
3.4 Distributed discovery approaches 38
3.4.1 Peer-to-Peer overlay features 38 Cost 39 Latency 39 Robustness 39 Independency 40 Plug and Play 40
3.4.2 Overall design considerations 40
3.4.3 Location based overlay 41
3.4.4 State of art 42 Distributed Hash Table (DHT) 42 Multi attribute overlay 43 Dimension reduction 44 Space partitioning 45 Hierarchical partitioning 45 Incremental partitioning 47
IV Delaunay triangulation based discovery 51
4.1 Design approaches 51
4.1.1 2D Delaunay triangulation based overlay 51 Delaunay triangulation 51 Procedures 52 Routing 52 Joining/Leaving 53 Query resolution procedure 53 Cost Analysis 54 Request/reply 55 Publish/subscribe 55 Overlay overhead 56
4.1.2 3D Delaunay triangulation based overlay 57 3D Delaunay triangulation 57 Procedures 58 Spatial Query 58 Cost Analysis 59
4.1.3 Double 3D P2P overlay system 61 Procedures 62 Cost analysis 62
4.2 Long Range Contacts 63
4.3 Mobility support 64
V. Application - ITRI - NCTU Duan Chin Project 67
5.1 Introduction 67
5.2 System model 69
5.3 DDS based consumer-provider association 72
5.3.1 DDS overview 73
5.3.2 Vertical DDS design to fit the system 74
5.3.3 Horizontal DDS design to fit the system 76 DDS scalability issue 76
5.4 Proposed application level multicast 77
5.4.1 System description 78
5.4.2 The overlay 81
5.4.3 Cost Analysis 81
5.5 Deployment architecture 84
5.6 Deployment scenario 85
5.7 Perspective 87
VI Conclusion 89
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