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研究生(外文):Meuthia Fawzia
論文名稱(外文):Smart Surveillance System with Movable Cameras on the Track
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yu-Chee
外文關鍵詞:smart surveillance systemmoving cameraself-configuration
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Surveillance system is widely used for many purposes, such as: hall, office, factory and school. Nowadays most surveillance systems provide network function, thus the operator is able to monitor the target/situation of interested area remotely. However, most cameras are deployed at a fixed position, for example, ceiling or wall. In order to reach full coverage or capture all target objects in the environment, we have to deploy many cameras to achieve it, which leads to high cost. Nevertheless, most cameras are not in use because of no events occur, the video data is redundancy. If we can capture the key video when new events occur, the video data is significant. The goal can be reached by combining camera with moving ability, ex: camera slide track, camera on robot or drone. In this thesis, we propose a smart surveillance system with movable cameras to capture the key video based on camera slide track. From simulation results, most events can be captured in time and keep high coverage ratio. We also implement a prototype to demonstrate the performance. Via the prototype, we show that the smart surveillance system has the ability to provide reliable surveillance.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
I. Introduction 1
II. Related Works 4
III. System Model of Moving Camera 7
3.1. Target 7
3.2. Track 8
3.3. PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) Camera 9
3.4. Monitoring Requirement 11
3.4.1. Resolution 11
3.4.2. View of Angle (VA) 12
3.4.3. Line of Sight 12
3.5. Configuration Time 13
3.6. Problem Formulation 15
IV. Greedy Algorithm 18
4.1. Find Next Position of Camera 19
4.2. Determine FoV of Camera 25
4.3. Time Complexity Analysis 28
V. Simulation Evaluation 29
5.1. Number of Deployed Cameras 31
5.2. Number of Deployed Objects 33
VI. Implementation 36
6.1. System Design 36
6.2. System Implementation 38
6.2.1. Specification of the System 38
6.2.2. Procedure of the System 40
6.3. Demonstration of Real Environment 41

VII. Conclusion 45
References 46
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