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研究生(外文):Liu, Chih-Wan
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Hybrid Active Noise Control System via Sound Quality Evaluation
指導教授(外文):Hu, Jwu-Sheng
口試委員(外文):Chi, Tai-ShihHsiao, Te-ShengHu, Jwu-Sheng
外文關鍵詞:Active Noise CancelationActive Noise ControlPsychoacousticSound Quality
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In this thesis, we apply a set of active noise control system. Involved feedforward controller, feedback controller and line-in compensation. First we design a feedforward controller to obtain some noise reduction effect, and then design feedback controller, in case of non-uniform frequency response of human hearing system, the optimization parameter will vary in the different frequency band while designing feedback controller, and using an empirical model which could predict the sound quality of a sound to ensure the residual noise is comfort, the sound quality model combines four psychoacoustic parameter: loudness, sharpness, roughness and tonality. At the end, design a line-in compensator to compensate feedback controller’s negative impact.

The first part will introduce active noise control techniques history and the motivation of this research. The second part is the measurement of environmental parameters. In the third part describes controller and compensator design methods. The forth part introduces the calculation of psychoacoustic parameters. Finally, the simulation results and conclusion are discuss.
摘 要 i
誌  謝 iii
目  錄 iv
表 目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 主動式噪音控制歷史簡介 2
1.2 研究動機 4
第二章 系統簡介 6
2.1 量測環境 6
2.2 量測數據 9
第三章 控制器設計 12
3.1 類比式控制器 12
3.2 前饋控制器設計 12
3.3 回授控制器設計 14
3.4 前饋控制器與回授控制器比較 18
3.5 線路輸入補償設計 18
第四章 聲音品質評估 21
4.1 響度 21
4.2 尖銳度 22
4.3 粗糙度 23
4.3.1 人耳模型 24
4.3.2 廣義調製深度 m* 26
4.3.3 特徵粗糙度 ri 27
4.3.4 總粗糙度 R 27
4.4 純音度 28
4.5 舒適度 28
第五章 模擬結果分析 30
5.1 舒適度驗證 30
5.2 前饋控制模擬結果 33
5.3 回授控制模擬結果 34
5.4 線性補償模擬結果 44
第六章 結論 46
參考文獻 47
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