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研究生(外文):Lin, Yu-Ting
論文名稱:原股東之敵意併購行為對股東財富之影響 以中石化公司和力麗集團為例
論文名稱(外文):The effects of hostile takeover on stock holder's wealth - a case study of Sinopec and Lealea Group
外文關鍵詞:Hostile TakeoverManagement ContestEvent StudyCase Study
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This research is focus on the hostile takeover event between Sinopec and Lealea Group happened in 2012 and use case study to analyze the origins of this event. Distinguish whole event from three different parts: Lealea and Sinopec , Lipeng and Sinopec , and after stock holder’s meeting. We use event study’s result as evidence for whether the stock holder’s wealth had changed significantly during the event period.

Our results found out that the action taken by target firm to confront hostile takeover had less effect on stock holder’s wealth. The reason of the phenomenon may due to the hostile takeover is caused by original stock holder which makes the event become a management right contest so the valuation of our target firm didn’t change.

In order to acquire the management right of target firm, acquiring firm input extra resources which lead to significant change in stock holder’s wealth during the event period.

  Our findings suggest that when board of director has low stakes of their firms, appropriate communication is necessary for making decision. Not only to set up a well Corporate Governance but to avoid unexpected disputes in the future. All in all, rational communication is the best choice for institutional shareholders, and it can prevent their wealth from losing as well.
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程 2
1.4研究簡介 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1併購的定義與型態 4
2.2併購文獻回顧 5
2.2.1併購的動機 5
2.2.2台灣企業併購動機研究 6
2.2.3併購之異常報酬 7
2.2.4台灣地區併購績效 7
2.3非合意併購策略之介紹 7
2.4反併購策略之介紹 8
2.4.1反併購之預防性策略 8
2.4.2反併購之主動性策略 9
2.5反併購行為與股東財富 10
2.5.1股東利益假說 10
2.5.2 經理人防禦假說 10
第三章、研究方法 11
3.1事件研究法 11
3.1.1 事件研究法簡介 11
3.1.2 事件研究步驟 12
3.1.3 研究假說 12
3.1.4 股票報酬率預期模式 12
3.2事件研究之流程與設計 13
3.2.1樣本資料來源 13
3.2.2 事件研究估計期 14
3.2.3 股票報酬率預期模式的建立、異常報酬率估計模式、虛擬變數設計 14
3.3個案研究法 15
第四章、個案介紹 16
4.1 個案公司簡介 16
4.1.1 主併公司力麗集團 16
4.1.2目標公司中石化企業 20
4.2敵意併購事件介紹 23
4.2.1目標公司中石化企業之董事會與大股東組成 23
4.2.2公司派威京集團沈慶京重返董事會掌權 24
4.2.3敵意併購導火線-344億元大陸投資案 24
4.2.4中石化公司2011年底董事會組成 25
4.2.5第一階段:中石化與力鵬企業(2012年2月16號至4月30號) 27
4.2.6第二階段:中石化與力麗企業(2012年4月30號起至股東會當日) 29
4.2.7第三階段:股東會後至事件結束(2012年6月28號起至8月16號) 34
4.3事件研究法線性迴歸之實證結果 36
4.4研究期間階段實證結果比較 38
4.5事件後續影響 40
第五章、結論與建議 42
5.1結論 42
5.2建議 42
參考文獻 43
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