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研究生(外文):Wu, Hsin-Yi
論文名稱(外文):The Bodies in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Images and the Embodied Experience
指導教授(外文):Lai, Wen-Shu
口試委員(外文):Joyce C. H. LiuGong, Jow-JiunLim, Kien-KetSing, Song-Young
外文關鍵詞:Andrei TarkovksyFilm phenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyLived bodyGilles Deleuze
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The study aims to investigate the embodied subjectivity and the unthought-of thought in Russian director Andrei Takovsky’s images through the concept of “the lived body” from film phenomenology as it implicates the embodied source between the film’s body and the spectator’s body. The initial idea is to resist Deleuze, who only sees the crystal-image of the indiscernibility between virtuality and reality in Tarkovsky’s images. This study does not reject Deleuze’s arguments, but clarifies that the modern images that mostly attracted Deleuze were experiences depicting trauma, like wounds, stammering, or muteness. Tarkovsky’s characters also endure great suffering. This study raises the discussion of “the ordinary body” and “the wounded body” to reveal the embodied experiences through banal actions, gestures, wounds, and speech impediments. However, as the narrative progresses, art is disclosed as a remedy to heal the physical disabilities, which makes their bodies no longer ordinary, but mysterious and sacred. Similar to the paradoxical nature within bodies, the situation surrounding the images not only shows the co-existence of virtuality and reality but also represents the unity of humanity and divinity in one person, reflecting the director’s own culture based on Russian Orthodox Christianity. Finally, the heterogeneities are significant to Tarkovsky’s images and are part of the embodied experiences. The study proposes three arguments, “the wandering within the pilgrimage,” “the wound within the remedy,’ and “the dilemma within the rebirth.” These are Tarkovsky’s distinctions, and the proceedings of reconcilement indicate that the narratives are as our life and time spiraling up into a healthy hermeneutic circle.
摘要 i

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究範圍與七部電影簡介 3
1.3 文獻回顧:塔可夫斯基影像研究發展概述 10

第二章 研究方法 19
2.1 以活歷身體為基礎的電影現象學 19
2.2 電影現象學與其他電影論述的差異 21
2.3 以身體影像為路徑 24
2.4 研究架構 31

第三章 日常身體:漫走的解域和俄羅斯傳統下的生命歷程 33
3.1 活生生的真實美學 33
3.2 作用在日常身體上的時間 36
3.3 不斷移動、漫走 38
3.4 認同敘事的移動:「是」信仰追尋者,「不是」漫遊者 46
3.5 小結 50

第四章 帶傷身體:視聲影像的極度化 52
4.1 不斷與現實環境搏鬥的帶傷者 52
4.2 從身體表層的傷口到肉身概念 58
4.3 話語行動的障礙與癒合 61
4.4 複製基督身體與新概念的創造 67
4.5 小結 69

第五章 反理性身體:影像本體論的辯證
5.1 作用在身體上的悖論概念 71
5.2 潛在與實際的交替與共存 78
5.3 道成肉身的模仿與辯證 82
5.4 觀者參與:漸次捲入的電影經驗 86
5.5 小結 90

第六章 結論 92

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