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研究生(外文):Chen, Chia-Yu
論文名稱(外文):3D Architectural Modeling with Sketch Input
指導教授(外文):Lin, I-Chen
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hao-ChuanWang, Yu-shuen
外文關鍵詞:Sketch modelingSketch-based user interfaceDeep learning
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In this thesis, we propose a method of allowing users to interactively enter 2D sketches and converting the sketches into 3D models. 3D model reconstruction from 2D sketches remains an important research in graphics modeling such as CAD and vision fields. Existing approaches usually established based on heuristic rules or with various restrictions. For instance, the line sketch must be orthogonal projection. However, they may fail due to the imprecision of strokes. Besides, it is difficult and not intuitive for users to sketch such a complex and standardized drawing.
In our system, users can sketch a building as they usually do. We use deep learning approach to recognize the components drawn in their sketches. First, we use the faster R-CNN model to detect and decompose the 2D building line sketch into different parts and each part has a corresponding label. After acquiring the Region of Interests (RoIs) and the labels, we use the histogram of the intensity distribution to classify the types of each RoI. By means of the deep learning approach and the classifier, we can find out a collection of 3D sub-models with substitute split grammars of each part. Our system is based on the results to construct the complete 3D model. The reports of comparing with existing methods show that our system makes it easier for users to model a 3D building by interactive sketching.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgement III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
Lists of Tables VIII
Chapter1. Introduction 1
Chapter2. Related Work 4
2.1 3D object reconstruction 4
2.2 Sketch-based and example-based modeling 4
2.3 Procedural modeling and inverse procedural modeling 5
2.4 Deep learning 6
2.5 Similar work 6
Chapter3. System Overview and Collection of Datasets 8
3.1 System overview 8
3.2 Collection of datasets 9
Chapter4. Part detector and type classifier 11
4.1 Part detector - faster R-CNN 11
4.2 CNN 17
4.3 Type classifier 20
Chapter 5. Online Stage 22
Chapter 6. Experiment 31
6.1 Performance of the part detector 31
6.2 Comparison with state-of-art approaches 35
6.3 Comparison of type classifiers 36
6.4 Comparison with existing 3D modeling software 37
6.5 Results 39
Chapter 7. Conclusion 42
Reference 43
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