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研究生(外文):Ke, Chia-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Calorie Map – An indoor Activity Monitoring and Intensity Estimation System based on Wireless Signal
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yu-Chee
外文關鍵詞:indoor positioningactivity monitoringbased on wirelessacoustic activity identificationintensity estimation
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In the modern era, lifestyle make people get the chronic diseases easily, especially for the person who need to spend almost whole day staying in the same activity state and does not do exercise regularly. To avoid this situation become worse and worse, smart home has become an important issue in the coming new era of IoT field. Among the smart home, healthcare service, especially for the elder with chronic diseases, has become one of the most important applications. Many studies reported that the progress of chronic disease can be slow down effectively by moderate ctivities. In this paper, we proposed a novel activity monitoring and intensity estimation system which will produce the calorie map to support continuous motion and physical activity calorie burned monitoring service so that the caregivers can know the patients condition and encourage them to move and hence improving the life style. The system uses wireless signals and metabolic equivalent (MET) to estimate calorie burned by the physical activity with little assistance of motion sensors during the training phase. In the proposed system, Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) beacons equipped with ultrasonic transducer were deployed in the living space , such as living room, bedroom, etc. The patients wore a smart brooch are continuously monitored for the location, activity and calorie burned by receiving wireless signals. The proposed system has three-fold advantages compared to the existed systems: Firstly, in addition to utilizing the wireless signal as a location indicator, the proposed system also uses the wireless signals as an activity indicator. Secondly, the proposed system is semi-training free, the system does not need the intervention of trained technician. Also, it only needs relatively short training time during the whole operations. Hence, The power consumption caused by the motion sensors can be greatly reduced. Finally, we provide an activity recognition without too much complicate though and operation. A prototype system has successfully implemented on HTC M8 smartphone and PC, and it is easily to set up.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Chinese Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 6
2.1 Reports on Chronic Diseases 6
2.2 Indoor Localization Techniques 6
2.3 Activity Recognition 8
2.4 Walking Activity Tracking Techniques 8
3 Calorie Map Construction System 10
3.1 System Architecture 10
3.1.1 Wearable Devices 11
3.1.2 Environment Beacons 11
3.1.3 Cloud Server 11
3.1.4 Caregivers Assistant App 12
3.2 Prototype System Tools 12
3.2.1 Hardware 12
3.2.2 Software 14
3.3 Processing flow 15
3.3.1 Online Training Mode 15
3.3.2 Inference Mode 16
3.3.3 Mode Transition 16
4 Room-level Positioning 18
4.1 Positioning Expeimental Analysis 19
4.1.1 Testbed Setting 19
4.1.2 Experimental Results 20
5 Activity Monitoring 21
5.1 Walking Detection 21
5.2 Rule-Based Activity Recognition 22
5.2.1 Extracting Doppler shifts 31
5.2.2 Perform the rule-based activity recognition and self-correction 31
5.2.3 Activity Recognition Expeimental Analysis 31
6 RF-based Step Counts Estimation 33
6.1 RF-Fingerprint Segmentation 33
6.2 Cluster-Based Mapping Method 34
6.3 Source-Destination Mapping Method 35
6.4 Trail-Based Mapping Method 36
6.5 Step Estimation Expeimental Analysis 36
6.5.1 Testbed Setting 36
6.5.2 Experimental Results 37
7 Calorie Map Construction 40
7.1 Calorie Calculation 40
7.2 Calorie Map 40
8 Conclusions 42
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