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研究生(外文):Fang, Ssu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Concentration Changes of Toxic Elements in Hair After Taking Probiotics
指導教授(外文):Lu, Henry Horng-Shing
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hsiu-YingChen, Jung-ChihLu, Henry Horng-Shing
外文關鍵詞:ProbioticsConcentration changes of toxic elements
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隨著不同環境、地區,或多或少存在著各種有害元素,而人們經長時間接觸,使體內累積越來越多的毒性物質,造成身體健康的危害。近年來,許多研究,積極尋找適當的功能性食品(益生菌),使用於環境、動物、人體中,探討特定益生菌對於有害元素的排除能力。而本研究屬於回溯性研究,討論參與者補充至少半年以上的益生菌是否有助於降低其毛髮中有害元素的濃度。本研究共收集三百一十九筆參與者資料,其中參與者長期補充五種菌株(L. paracasei BRAP-01, B. longum BR022, L. acidophilus AD300, L. reuteri BR101, L. rhamnosus AD500)之任一益生菌菌株,並分別在補充益生菌前後皆有檢測毛髮中六種有害元素(鎘、水銀、鉛、鈹、砷、鋁) 濃度。研究樣本資料包含「性別」、「年紀」、「疾病(癌症、糖尿病、高血壓)」,統計檢定方法使用「exact McNemar’s test」、「(exact) Wilcoxon signed-rank test」、「regression tree」。重要的研究結果如下:(1)第一次檢測毛髮中水銀與鈹濃度不正常的人數經過半年補充益生菌,毛髮中有害元素濃度不正常之人數顯著降低。(2)經過至少半年補充益生菌,水銀與鈹在毛髮中的濃度顯著下降。(3)在搜尋的相關文獻中,未發現任一益生菌能顯著降低鈹濃度,因此本篇可能是第一個提出益生菌能夠顯著降低鈹濃度的研究。本研究結果,希望能提供相關研究領域對於有害元素的排除參考。
There are toxic elements in different environments. As these toxic elements accumulate, they might compromise one’s health. In past literatures, people are actively looking for appropriate functional food (probiotics) which is used in decreasing the concentration of toxic elements in environments, animals or human bodies. This retrospective study focuses on whether taking more specific probiotic strain for at least six months can help significantly decreasing the concentration of toxic elements in one’s hair. There are in total 319 participants for five probiotic strains (L. paracasei BRAP-01, B. longum BR022, L. acidophilus AD300, L. reuteri BR101, L. rhamnosus AD500). A concentration of six toxic elements (Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Beryllium (Be), Arsenic (As), and Aluminum (Al)) have been detected in all the participants before and after taking probiotics. The factors of this study include gander, age, and disease (cancer, diabetes, and hypertension). The statistical methods for the study are exact McNemar’s test, (exact) Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and regression tree. The summary of the conclusions for this study are: (1) For those previously detecting an abnormal concentration of Hg and Be, a significant decrease in the number of patients has been observed after taking probiotics. (2) Taking probiotic for at least six months can significantly decreases the concentration of Hg and Be. (3) Since no literature indicates that taking probiotics can obviously decrease the concentration of Be in one’s hair, thus this research might be the first to claim this fact. The result of the study will benefit relevant researches in the future.
摘要 ... ii
ABSTRACT ... iii
誌謝 ... iv
Contents ... v
List of Tables ... vii
List of Figures ... viii
Chapter 1 Introduction ... 1
1.1 Background ... 1
1.2 Motivation ... 2
1.3 Objectives ... 2
1.4 Organization of this thesis ... 3
Chapter 2 Literature Reviews ... 4
2.1 In vitro experiments ... 4
2.2 In animal experiments ... 4
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods ... 6
3.1 Participants ... 6
3.2 Toxic elements ... 7
3.2.1 Six toxic elements ... 7
3.2.2 Analysis of the toxic elements in hair ... 7
3.3 Personalized probiotics ... 8
3.3.1 Helper T cell and cytokine ... 9
3.3.2 The steps of selecting personalized probiotics ... 10
3.4 Statistical methods ... 10
3.4.1 Exact McNemar’s test ... 10
3.4.2 Wilcoxon signed-rank test ... 11
3.4.3 Regression tree ... 12
Chapter 4 Results ... 13
4.1 Basic information about detecting the concentration of toxic elements in hair ... 14
4.2 Changes in the number of people with an abnormal concentration of toxic elements ... 16
4.3 The changes of concentration of toxic elements ... 18
4.3.1 By taking probiotic strain only ... 18
4.3.2 By taking probiotic strain in gender ... 19
4.3.3 By taking probiotic strain in age ... 21
4.3.4 By taking probiotic strain in diseases ... 23
4.4 The concentration decreasing effects in specific group of regression tree ... 25
Chapter 5 Discussion ... 29
Chapter 6 Conclusions ... 31
References ... 32
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