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研究生(外文):Ping-Yao Wu
指導教授(外文):Nien-Chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:career mobilityboundaryless career conceptcareer developmentpath dependence
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本研究旨在探討工作者橫向職涯移動影響的因素,分別由無疆界職涯傾向、職涯前期移動的狀況,來探討對工作者近期職涯移動的影響。無疆界職涯傾向將在心理流動及實體流動的概念,對每一位工作者產生影響,且其重點是在於企業間的移動性與不可預測性(Arthur & Rousseau,1996b;Sullivan,Carden,& Martin,1998)。其次,於路徑相依理論中亦指出的是個人早期的經歷,將會影響當前選擇和成功(Bernhardt
,Morris,Handcock,& Scott,2001;Sampson&Laub,1997,Verbruggen,Van Emmerik, Van Gils, Meng & de Grip, 2015)。
就本研究結果可發現,心理流動及實體流動對於職涯近期換職業均未有影響,其主要在於換職業非僅是心理狀態的認同而已,而是工作者本身須具備應有的技能,才得以跨越換職業的門檻;而針對無疆界職涯傾向與換公司之關係,心理流動可預測工作者近期換公司之行為,一如(Arthur et. al,1999;Bird,1996; DeFillippi & Arthur,1996)研究所提及與工作者職涯相關的技能及知識,隨著時間的推移累積,對組織和個人的知識庫是有相當大程度的貢獻。

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence the workers' horizontal movement, and to explore the impact of the recent career movement of the workers by the situation of non-border career preference and pre-employment movement. The concept of mental mobility and physical mobility has an impact on every worker, and its focus is on mobility and unpredictability among enterprises (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996b; Sullivan, Carden, & Martin, 1998). Secondly, in the theory of path dependence, it is also pointed out that the early experiences of individuals will affect the current selection and success (Bernhardt, Morris, Handcock, & Scott, 2001; Sampson & Laub, 1997, Verbruggen, Van Emmerik, Van Gils, Meng & de Grip, 2015).
On the results of this study can be found, psychological flow and physical flow for the recent career career have no effect, mainly because the job is not only the psychological state of identity only, but the workers themselves have to have the skills To cross the threshold for career change; and for the borderless career tendencies and the relationship between the company, the psychological flow of workers can predict the recent changes in the behavior of the company,
As described in Arthur et al., 1999; Bird, 1996; DeFillippi & Arthur, 1996), the skills and knowledge associated with the worker's career are accumulated over time, and the knowledge base for the organization and the individual is Have a considerable degree of contribution.
The workers have taken the behavior of changing companies, that is, on behalf of their accumulated knowledge, technology, ability has reached a certain extent and get another business owners affirmed,In the study of the path dependence theory proposed by Bernhardt, Morris, Handcock, & Scott, 2001; Sampson & Laub, 1997), the early experiences of individuals will be influenced by current choices and successes. The meaning of the job change can be interpreted by the pluripotent perspective, as Baruch (1998) has mentioned in the study, through different positions and career conversion, the accumulation of the workers themselves in the professional areas and the ability to work Ability to improve the employability of the individual, so that in a dynamic environment, the ability to choose a better career opportunities, so that workers can thus be in the development of personal career success. The results of this study can be verified, the recent occupation of the horizontal movement model, both with their early career experience has its close relationship.
career mobility, boundaryless career concept, career development, path dependence
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 職涯的定義 6
第二節 職涯發展與階段 10
第三節 職涯移動(Career Mobility) 17
第四節 無疆界職涯傾向(Boundaryless Career) 19
第五節 無疆界職涯傾向對近期職涯移動的影響 21
第六節 早期職涯移動對近期職涯移動的影響 22
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 樣本來源 24
第三節 研究變項定義 25
第四節 分析方法 28
第四章 研究結果 30
第一節 描述性統計分析 30
第二節 信度分析 31
第三節 相關分析 31
第四節 迴歸分析 31
第五章 結論與討論 34
第一節 研究結論 34
第二節 研究限制 37
第三節 未來研究與建議 37
第四節 管理意涵 38
參考文獻 40

表 1 職涯的定義 7
表 2 職涯發展的定義 10
表 3 職業生涯階段的核心任務(Coetzee&Roythorne-Jacobs,2007,p45) 13
表 4 職涯階段的區分原則 14
表 5 職涯階段的分類彙總表 14
表 6 現代非線性職涯發展概念的特點 15
表 7 心理流動題項 26
表 8 實體流動題項 26
表 9 樣本結構 30
表 10 本研究量表之信度 31
表 11 相關分析表 31
表 12 職涯早期移動對職涯後期之影響 32

圖表 1 本研究之架構圖 24
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