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研究生(外文):Su-Fen Chang
外文關鍵詞:Organization DiagnosisPeople Capacity Maturity ModelPCMMHuman Resource Management
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多數組織以為只要效仿標竿企業成功的人力資源變革,即可獲得相同的成功,缺少一套能作為實施標準的模型,以及錯用不符合組織本身人力資源能力程度的改革路線圖(Becker,1996、Mirvis,1997)。在導入人力資源策略或制度前,並未替組織進行「把脈診斷」,就直接推動對組織而言,可能是不易理解且難以應付的人力資源措施。太過急切想要以跳躍的方式,切入人力資源管理的各個領域,是令多數組織即使獲得管理階層的支持與投入,最後人力資源變革仍無法達到預期成效的主要原因(Curtis、Hefley & Miller,2011)。
Industry competition and rapid environmental change makes some enterprises have realized that human resources are the source of competitive advantage. The accumulation of human capital can increase the adaptability of organization to environmental change, realized the best human resource management strategy could enhance the organization's performance and human capital value. Then, why did many enterprises fail to achieve their expectation on practicing?
Most of enterprises believe that as long as they follow successful human resource program of the benchmarking enterprise and the same success achieved will come. They ignored that it is very important whether the enterprise has a model can to be as a standard of implementation, whether has a reform roadmap can to conform to their own people capacity or not (Becker, 1996, Mirvis, 1997). Without diagnosis in the time before the introduction of human resource strategy or system promote the organization, directly using the human resources measures which may be too difficult to understand or difficult to handle with to the enterprise, is leading to human resource reform failed. The enterprise is too much anxious to carry out the most innovative means of human resources, does not attach importance to the basis of human resources improvement measures, in this way, even if they are supported and invested by their CEO or high level managers, can not achieve for the expected results (Curtis, Hefley & Miller, 2011).
This study is from human resources department's point of view, by organization diagnosis to find the potential problem that can obstruct the enterprise's people capacity promotion. The case company C’s problem in human resource management is analyzed by data-analysis and potential people problem is analyzed by using the People Capacity Maturity Model (PCMM) as the diagnostic tool and gap-analysis. Will organize the status of people capacity situation depict a clear outline, as the enterprise to lead the Change-management of the begining. When the enterprise is facing a huge industrial competition environment changes, the human resources department can become a "partner". To combine with business trategy and human resources strategy management, to set a "step by step" change model, to plan the best and the fittest human resources management strategy, program and system, Let the enterprise is sufficient to cope with rapid changes in the industrial environment, access to competitive advantage, to respond to current challenges and steady growth.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 策略人力資源管理 4
第二節 人力資源能力成熟度模型 6
第三章 研究方法 12
第一節 個案公司簡介 14
第二節 營運概況 16
第三節 產業競爭 17
第四章 個案研究 19
第一節 次級資料診斷分析 19
第二節 PCMM診斷分析 27
第三節 C公司人力資源問題探討 36
第四節 可行性建議 40
第五章 結論 49
第一節 研究結論 49
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向 52
參考文獻 53

圖1-1 研究流程 3
圖2-1 人力資源分類 6
圖2-2 人力資源能力成熟度模型分級圖 8
圖2-3 人力資源能力成熟度模型結構要素 9
圖3-1 研究方法與步驟 13
圖3-2 台灣IC半導體供應鏈 14
圖3-3 C公司願景使命宣導標示 15
圖3-4 C公司組織圖 15
圖4-1 C公司與同業人力績效及員工人數 21
圖4-2 C公司與同業近三年離職率 22
圖4-3 C公司與同業直接人員(DL)平均月薪 25
圖4-4 C公司與同業間接人員(IDL)平均月薪調查 25
圖4-5 C公司工程職薪資現況分佈 39
圖4-6 C公司行政職薪資現況分佈 39
圖4-7 C公司價值鏈結合組織策略示意圖 41
圖4-8 建議C公司人力增補申請作業流程 43

表2-1 策略人力資源管理相關研究及內涵 4
表3-1 C公司經營策略表 16
表3-2 C公司近五年財務報表 17
表4-1 近三年C公司員工人數增加(率) 21
表4-2 近三年C公司人員離職原因統計 23
表4-3 C公司PCMM-Level 2-1人力規劃與任用 自我診斷及改善計劃表 29
表4-4 C公司PCMM-Level 2-2溝通與協調 自我診斷及改善計劃表 30
表4-5 C公司PCMM-Level 2-3工作環境 自我診斷及改善計劃表 31
表4-6 C公司PCMM-Level 2-4基礎績效管理 自我診斷及改善計劃表 32
表4-7 C公司PCMM-Level 2-5培訓與發展 自我診斷及改善計劃表 33
表4-8 C公司PCMM-Level 2-6薪酬規劃與管理 自我診斷及改善計劃表 34
表4-9 功績薪矩陣表示例 47
表4-10 已設定X值之功績薪矩陣表 48
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