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研究生(外文):Yi-Ju Lee
論文名稱(外文):Source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Yunlin County
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細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)是大氣主要污染物之一,台灣在秋冬季節經常發生高污染事件。前人研究指出,長時間暴露在高濃度細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)的環境下,對於人體健康、氣候變遷以及大氣能見度都有負面的影響。來源解析(Source Apportionment, SA)方法,可分為以觀測資料為基礎與使用排放量資料的三維空品模式為基礎兩種類型,如BFM (Brute Force method)與ISAM (Integrated Source Apportionment Method),可提供排放源與污染物濃度之間關係的資訊,有助於了解污染物的來源。
使用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)3.7.1版與NCEP-FNL再分析場資料進行氣象場模擬,解析度為81/27/9/3公里。在解析度為3公里的網格中進行觀測資料同化(Observation nudging),亦即每小時在模式第一層加入台灣氣象局與環保署測站的溫度、風速以及風向資料,改善台灣地區風場模擬結果。由於ISAM與BFM計算之排放物對污染物濃度的貢獻量值有高度相關,執行較為容易的ISAM所需之計算時間較少,故本研究使用CMAQ5.0.2版中裝載之ISAM,搭配TEDS9.0排放量資料與WRF模擬之氣象資料,針對雲林境內以及台中都會區之排放源,探討在高污染事件中對雲林地區污染物濃度的貢獻量。
Yunlin is located in central-southern portion of western Taiwan. The local industrial emissions (Maliao industry), vehicle exhausts, and burnings of agriculture wastes all contribute to the poorer air quality in Yunlin. Besides, the emissions from nearby power plants, Taichung metropolitan area, and Changhua industrial park also contribute to the local air pollution problem in Yunlin County. The local circulation such as the land-sea breeze might transport the air pollutants toward the inland areas and induce high concentrations.
Source apportionment (SA) based on observation data or 3-Dimention air quality model can provide the relationship between emission sources and concentration of air pollutants. This study was conducted to investigate the main emission source that contributes to the PM2.5 concentration in Yunlin County using CMAQ SA technique.
The WRF version 3.7.1 are conducted and the observation nudging technique is applied in WRF modeling to nudge surface observed temperature, wind speed and wind direction data from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau and Environmental Protection Agency to improve the meteorological conditions. This study focused on the emission from Yunlin and Taichung power plants through BFM (Brute Force Method) and ISAM (Integrated Source Apportionment Method) technique. The emission contribution estimated by BFM and ISAM had high correlation with each other. Due to the less computational time from ISAM, CMAQ version 5.0.2 with ISAM SA technique were applied to investigate the contributions of emissions from Yunlin County and Taichung metropolitan area to concentration of pollutants.
Three air pollution episodes were studied. The first episode occurred from Nov 8, 2015 to Nov 9, 2015. Nov 8, 2015 was associated with a weak synoptic weather condition and PM2.5 mainly came from local emissions released within Yunlin County. Therefore, reducing the Yunlin local emissions could decrease concentration of PM2.5. Nov 9, 2015 was affected by a continental anticyclone and weak northeasterly monsoonal flow brings the pollutants from upwind Taichung metropolitan area. The second and third episodes occurred from Oct 27, 2016 to Oct 28, 2016 and Nov 18, 2016 to Nov 19, 2016, respectively. Oct 28, 2016 was slightly affected by the continental anticyclone and the continental anticyclone was moving away to the East of Taiwan on Nov 19, 2016. The average wind speed on Oct 28, 2016 and Nov 19, 2016 were weaker than Nov 9, 2015, but Taichung contributed more to PM2.5 concentration due to the long-lasting northerly wind. Due to the influence of northerly wind flow, there are still small portion of pollutants from near surface emissions from Yunlin and the majority are area and line sources. In addition, the emissions from Mailiao industrial complex could also affect the air quality in coastal area of Yunlin.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究目的 3
第二章 研究方法與實驗設計 4
2-1 模式介紹 4
2-1-1 氣象模式WRF 4
2-1-2 空氣品質模式CMAQ 4
2-2 來源解析方法 5
2-2-1 BFM 5
2-2-2 ISAM 6
2-2-3 BFM與ISAM之比較 7
2-3 資料來源與分析 10
2-3-1 氣象模擬相關資料 10
2-3-2 排放量資料分析 10
2-4 ISAM實驗設計 12
第三章 個案選取與模式設定 14
3-1 個案選取 14
3-1-1 高污染個案一 14
3-1-2 高污染個案二 14
3-1-3 高污染個案三 15
3-2 模式設定 15
第四章 實驗結果與討論 16
4-1 個案一 (2015/11/08-2015/11/09) 16
4-1-1 模式表現 16
4-1-2 ISAM結果 17
4-1-3 個案總結 20
4-2 個案二 (2016/10/28) 20
4-2-1 模式表現 20
4-2-2 ISAM結果 21
4-2-3 個案總結 24
4-3 個案三 (2016/11/19) 24
4-3-1 模式表現 24
4-3-2 ISAM結果 25
4-3-3 個案總結 28
第五章 結論與未來展望 29
5-1 結論 29
5-2 未來展望 30
參考文獻 31
附表 36
附圖 42
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