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論文名稱:第四方物流決策支援系統 - 系統塑模與模組化架構
論文名稱(外文):A Modeling and Modularization Framework of the 4th Party LSP's Decision Support System
外文關鍵詞:Forth-party logisticsUnified Modeling LanguageDecision Support SystemAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessDiscrete Event Simulation
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關於系統分析與設計,本研究分為兩大部分。首先利用統一模塑語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)分析系統內部各模組之間的關係,進而結構化決策支援系統。第二部分(決策支援系統)包含兩個模組,第一模組是利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)分析選擇設址地點。第二模組則利用離散事件模擬(Discrete Event Simulation)針對前模組分析出的方案,進行實際情境模擬。幫助物流公司執行決策時,能得到更佳的決策品質與方案。
With the globalization and the rapid development of Network Economy, global logistics services get unprecedented developed. In the past, people need to go to the physical store to purchase goods personally. Different from the past, we just need to surf the Internet and choose what you want. After that, the goods will be sent to where you live in few days. Thus, it shows that the market requirements of the logistics services provider are driven by the rise of e-commerce. In order to meet the market needs, forth-party logistics grows up. Forth-party logistics provide a complete solution for supply chain management with their information technology, integration capability, and other resources. Moreover, they rely on excellent third-party logistics providers, technology providers, and management consultants, to provide customers a unique and extensive supply chain solution.
However, to adapt the customer needs of global logistics, offering high-efficiency logistics services with more logistics facility locations is important. This study aims to design a decision support system for a local B2B logistics company, through the functions of decision support system, enables the enterprise to get a better decision when they decide where to increase the facility locations.
As for the system design and analysis. There are two parts in this research. First, this study takes the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to analyze the relationship among the various modules within the system, and build the framework of the decision support system. Afterward, the second part includes two modules. The first module uses analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to analyze the selection of facility location, and how to transport goods. And the second module uses discrete event simulation(DES)to simulate the real situation with the suggestions obtained from the first modules. Final enables the enterprise to get a better decision when they are making decisions.
Table of content
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Table of content v
List of figure vii
List of table ix
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objective 1
1.3 Research framework 3
Chapter2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Fourth Party logistics 4
2.1.1 Definition of 4PL 4
2.1.2 Discussion of 4PL 7
2.1.3 Key location factors 10
2.2 Decision support system 12
2.2.1 Brief history of Decision Support System 12
2.2.2 Definition of Decision Support System 13
2.2.3 Framework of Decision Support System 13
Chapter3 Methodology 15
3.1 Methodology framework 15
3.2 Unified Modeling Language 16
3.2.1 Class Diagram 18
3.2.2 Sequence Diagram 22
3.2.3 Activity Diagram 23
3.3 Analytic Hierarchy Process 26
3.3.1 AHP introduction 26
3.3.2 Solution process of AHP 28
3.4 Discrete Event Simulation 30
3.4.1 DES introduction 30
3.4.2 Solution process of DES 31
Chapter 4 Develop the Decision Support System 32
4.1 Analyze the framework of the decision support system 32
4.2 The location selection module design by using AHP 36
4.2.1 Questionnaire design 36
4.2.2Research steps of AHP 37
4.2.3Questionnaire result 39
4.2.4 Overall weight calculation- Case study 48
4.3 Path simulation module design by using DES 49
4.3.1 Framework of path simulation module 50
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future research 58
5.1 Conclusion 58
5.2 Scope of research and limitation 59
5.3 Future research and recommendation 60
Reference 61
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