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研究生(外文):Shen-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Risk Event Management of 4th Party Logistic Service Provider - Evaluation, Prevention and Control
中文關鍵詞:第四方物流(4PL)風險管理整合資訊架構(ARIS)失效模式與效用分析(FMEA)風險評估指數(RPN)領結分析法(Bow-tie Methodology)
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在全球運籌的環境下,如何將資源做有效的規劃及降低運輸成本顯得越來越重要。近年來,第四方物流(Fourth Party Logistics, 4PL)整合供應鏈各個環節的運輸流程和資訊系統,進而提供全面性的供應鏈解決方案,以提高客戶滿意度及供應鏈競爭力。
本研究以一本國B2B物流公司的風險事件管理流程為例,先以整合資訊架構(Architecture of Integrated Information Systems, ARIS) 建構運輸服務流程,及過程中面臨的各項風險事件並加以歸類;從上述建構的處理流程中,對各類風險事件進行失效模式與效用分析(Failure Mode & Effect Analysis, FMEA),找出潛在的失效原因,並利用風險評估指數(RPN),作為後續改善方向;最後由上述找出的失效因子,針對嚴重性高的風險事件,以領結分析法(Bowtie Methodology)分析不同事件間的因果關係,使事件發生時能即時做出有效反應。
Under the circumstances of global logistics, planning recourses efficiently and reducing transportation cost have become more and more important. For the purpose of increase customer satisfaction and supply chain competitive, the fourth party logistic integrates each part of supply chain and information system recently, so as to provide overall supply chain solutions.
In order to deliver goods on time, fourth logistic companies have to consider natural disasters, accidents, and other kinds of events during transportation. To prevent and deal with these kinds of incidents, fourth logistic companies provide customized supply chain solutions which can reduce the risk of delay. With perfect risk management procedure, fourth logistic companies can prevent expected events; meanwhile, reducing losses when unexpected events happened.
This study takes a local B2B logistics company’s risk management procedure as an example. First, construct the transportation procedure, also the risk events during transportation with ARIS. Second, with ARIS process models, we analysis different categories of risk events with FMEA to find out the reason why procedure may break down. Then base on RPN, this research finds the follow-up direction to reduce the failure. Finally, we use bowtie Methodology to analysis causalities between risk events. As a result, logistics company can make effective responses when different kinds of risk events happened.
中文摘要 i
Abstract iv
致謝辭 v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background & Motivation 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Research Framework 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Logistics Outsourcing Overview 4
2.1.1 Definition of 4PL 5
2.1.2 Function of 4PL 7
2.2 Risk Management Overview 10
2.2.1 Risk Management Process 11
2.2.2 Events Management 13
Chapter 3 Methodology 19
3.1 Methodology Framework 19
3.2 ARIS 21
3.2.1 Organization View 22
3.2.2 Function View 22
3.2.3 Data View 22
3.2.4 Control(process) View 22
3.3 FMEA 23
3.3.2 RPN 24
3.4 Bow-Tie Methodology 27
Chapter 4 Application 29
4.1 The Models of Logistics Service Process 29
4.2 Analysis of Risk Events 31
4.2.1 SFMEA 31
4.2.2 Bow-tie Methodology 37
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Further Research 40
5.1 Conclusion 40
5.2 Future Research 41
Reference 42
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